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It wasn't long ti'll we dragged Ten into Taeil's house. Well when we got there his parents and younger sister were obviously surprised to see us dragging a  good looking boy into their house. And Ten's faces is literally screaming "Stop it. My ears are gonna bleed because of you're rants."

Well if you ask what happened in the school awhile ago you would literally question if me and Johnny are a married couple. Well, we just scold him and asked for explanation. But he just won't speak a thing.

We're now currently in Taeil's room and there's Ten in the corner. Pouting.

"This is not the time to pout like a hungry hamster, Ten." Johnny stated the fact an Ten just sulked more in the corner.

Johnny did transform from a happy-go-lucky into a intimidating guy real quick.

This is so uncomfortable.

And I regret screaming like a mother back there. What's gotten into me?!

"What exactly happened?" Taeil asked us while putting down the tea and cookies on the floor. And I quickly grab some and shoved it in my mouth like I'm watching a movie.

This looks like a cliche movie if you ask me. A scene that always used in every movie.

"Well we just caught him and a cougar making out in a holy classroom. Isn't it nice?" Sarcasm were spitting out from Johnny's mouth.

I wanna go home.

"Cougar? An animal?" Oh my gosh. This old innocent boy.

"The slang word hyung."

"Ohhh." He said while arranging his books.

That's it?

"Come on hyung! Aren't you going to say something aside from "ohhh" and sht? This baby just make out with a cougar!"

"Youngho-ah just call the other's. I don't know what to say, kay?" And he just continued putting in the books into his shelf. But I can see in his face that his quite upset knowing that Ten did those things. Well he just joined the group and this is what happened.

"Crona call them." He muttered and went to sit beside me. I just nodded and began to call them one by one. This is what I can do in this situation after all I don't want to say something that could offend him or the others.

We waited until someone would come, this quite atmosphere is quite helping. Because I just can't calm down every time I remember those— uggh.

Suddenly the door few open and startled the four of us.


Taeyong kick him that cause his face to be flattened on the floor. "Shut the fck up."

He look the four of us after saying. "So what's the problem?"

"Sit down first and wait for the others."

We waited until it was already 8 and no one came. I can tell by Yuta's actions that he's getting impatient.

Can this kid just calm down even for a minute? Just for a minute?!

"Just tell us what happened? And why is Ten sulking at the corner of this fcking room?" Taeyong asked the two of us and we jut stare at him like he just grown another head.

Why is people so impatient?

"We caught him making out with a cougar." Johnny plainly said. Not giving Taeyong a glance and just keep playing at his phone.

Taeyong suddenly walk over to Ten and—


"It's the slang cougar Hyung." He corrected him. So he won't deny it's really a cougar?

"Oh sorry. Bu why are you making out inside a school?! SCHOOL IS FOR STUDYING GOODNESS TEN YOU SHOULD HAVE RENT A MOTE—."


We turned out heads and and see the maknae line standing outside the door.

I immediately got up and put both hands in Jisung's ears to cover them from the devil.

"Don't say those things when a baby is here got it?" Donghyuk just nodded and the four of them walk towards to Ten and Taeyong.

"You don't have to go here Jisung-ah. It's not safe."

"But Noona we have a problem." He pouted, I need to control my self from pinching those cheeks. Ughh.

"Whats the girl's name?" Both of me and Jisung turned out attention when Yuta asked him.

"I don't know."

"You don't know? You expect us to believe you? Come one Ten spit it out." Taeyong is literally pissed. Goodness what should I do.


"It's Shin Daehwan."

Shin Daehwan huh.

That's a rare name but I sense trouble in this one.


Good night

My eyes are giving up already



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