Twenty One

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I am currently studying right now. And I don't know why I am studying. Stupid, of course exam will be tomorrow. And look there goes my grades, straight down like a gyro drop.

I hope no one would barge in and drag me out of my house. My future depends on this piece of paper. I can't fail tomorrow. God what will my parents think watching me down here. They're probably shaking their head when they'll see my results.

And now I'm thinking nonsense.

Out of nowhere the doorbell rang and what am I suppose to do? I'm fcking studying right now and you dare disturb me? Should I make a horcrux? Split half of my soul into a dog and get the door for me? Of course not.

I lazily stood up and go straight downstairs. When I arrived at the door the knocking suddenly became punches. Omo do you know what patience is?

When I opened the door I expected some of them will be barging in and raid my fridge. And my expectation are right.

Doyoung, Jaehyun and Taeyong barged in like models and welcomed their selves in to my house. They just past through me.

Why am I friends with them again?

"Cro did you study for the exams tomorrow?" Jaehyun asked and his eyes are completely focus on the TV.

"I'm studying right now." I said gritting my teeth. Does this guys don't have houses? They are rich kids for goodness sake.

I'm just a gifted potato.

"Good for you then."

"What's with the Cro?" I said tilting my head.

"It's just Crona is too long to say. Might wanna give you some nickname ey?" Smirking. When did he learn how to smirk. Jaehyun isn't supposed to be smirking. He's a fragile thing came from States.






"World to Crona! Are you dead?" I was brought back to reality when I saw Doyoung's adorable face in front of me waving his hands in my face.

Cutie Doyoung.



"Oh sorry. I should get back to my room and study."

"Cronaaaaa~ Studying is for the weak let's play!" Taeyong whined. And it's so disgusting really.

It's so uncomfortable to watch.

Save me

"No--." I was cut when the three of them dragged me outside my house and to tell you the truth I expected this to happen.

And for the record I don't have any shoes on.

This boys really.

I was surprised when they suddenly stop in a big white house. No, it's not the White house where the president lives. It's just a WHITE HOUSE.

Make sense right?

If you get it

You have a 7th sense



"Let's go inside." Taeyong said and planning to take a one step in front of the gate.

"No we are not. We don't know who's house this is. Are you out of your minds?!"

"Please we can't--." Doyoung started.

"Do it..." Taeyong seconded.

"Without You." Jaehyun ended.


"How cute you finished each other sentences. Now get married."

"Noooooooo!" They suddenly kneeled down in front of me and begged with their hands clasped together.




"What are you doing?! Stand up!"

"Not if you come with us inside." Doyoung said while pouting. Stop. It doesn't suit you.

"Goodness stand up already! People are watching!"

"Why? Are you embarrassed that three good looking boys are on their knees and pleading a potato like you?" Why is Taeyong so sassy?

That hurts but that's the truth. Truth hurts.



"No! Taeyong means pleading a pretty potato like you." Jaehyun said glaring at Taeyong.

"Thanks Jaehyun but it's still a no."

As I was supposedly walking away from them I heard something came out from Taeyong's mouth and it's not very pleasant.

"I'll print this baby pictures and post it at school. Don't you think that's a good idea Jaehyun-ah?" And I saw Taeyong waving a very familiar album.

"Yeah it's not a bad idea. But it will be very bad for someone's image to be ruined." Jaehyun smirked. Again.

"Let's go and print them already. Maybe the students will get inspired for tomorrows exam." Doyoung said while having that teasing smile on his face. I'd love to scratch it out.

They looked at me smirking. I don't think I could handle this. I'll be kkaebsong.

"Alright but give me that first." I tried snatching it from Taeyong's hands but failed. Why is this person so quick when he's not perfectly normal.

"After you come with us inside first."


I walked towards the gate but it's locked.

"It's locked. How are we supposed to get in now?"

"Well the windows are open." Jaehyun said pointing at a open window at the right side of the house.

He quickly climbed the gate so easily and ran towards the right side of the house where the window is and climbed it. Now I know how Jaehyun get's in my room so easily when all the doors are locked.

He could robbed any house like this.

He suddenly popped out of the door and opened the gate for us.

Oh my gosh my hands are getting sweaty and my heart is beating like I'm gonna die sooner or later.

Jaehyun suddenly held my hands, maybe he sensed that I'm getting nervous.

"Thanks Jae." I smiled at him and continue walking towards the door.

"Jae?" He looked surprised but it was immediately turned into a grin.

"It's just Jaehyun is too long to say."

We stared for a while when Doyoung suddenly walk between us.

"This makes me so bitter."


the internet is being a btch

and school is coming next week

expect slow updates yeorobun



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