Twenty eight

338 22 13


Im dying

"Stop dragging me." I said lazily.

Jaehyun just dragged me out of my house in the middle of the night. I still have two more exams to take, I'm not going to last.

These boys aren't good for my health.

"Shut up and walk properly." He said. Bot even glancing back at me.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon." He said. I swear I saw him just smirk just now.

I just died.

No, I don't like Jaehyun. *internally screaming*

I don't.

Well it's just a crush. It's his fault his being such a cutie potato in front of me and being so nice. I'm not saying that the others aren't nice, but he's nice nice.

But I already like someone already.

More than Jaehyun


Damn it.

I don't like Jaehyun.

"Why so quite all of a sudden?" He asked.

"I'm just preserving my holy voice."

"Holy my ass. You're a cussing machine." He said.

"You think?" I sarcastically said.

"I know." He corrected me.

After that silence surrounded us and I'm just staring at our hands. He's holding my hand. And my hands are getting sweaty.


All of a sudden he dragged me by his side and put our hands inside his jackets pocket. 

I stared at him in confusion and he just smiled.

"What did you consume Jung Jaehyun?" I asked him.

"Your love." Oh my gosh

"You're so fcking corny." I said. Turning my head away from him.

"Language, Park."

"Oh come on. You're too holy, try cussing just once!" I complained.

Like I didn't heard him cursed out loud. But I heard him once whispering sht.

"On second thought I should being you too the church."


"Oh I don't think the church could change you, you'll literally melt when we get inside." He laughed.


"It's just the two of us right now. Don't be so cold to me." All of a sudden he tighten our hands together inside his pocket.

"My hands are sweaty, let go." I said.

"I don't care if it's sweaty or not. I want to hold your hand wither you like it or not." He looked at me and I turn my head immediately.

He sounds so manly.

Like Luhan.



After some walking I realized we were heading to the park all along.

When we arrived he dragged him to the swings and he let go of my hand. And for once I feel so disappointed with him letting go.


Study first.

I quietly sat and kicked the ground. The cold air is brushing my face while I swing.

I glanced at him and to my surprised he's already looking at me.

"What?" I asked him. He's still looking at me with a serious face.

He suddenly leaned closer causing me to backed away slightly.

"Tell me the truth..."

"What truth?" I asked him. I gulped, scared to what might be he's asking.

He hesitated a bit before opening his mouth.

"Are you a human?"

"I'm so disappointed in you human. What a great question. And yes, I'm a fcking human hoe." I said rolling my eyes. I thought it was something important.

"Didn't I told you not to cuss in front of me?" He said.

"What would you do—." When I turned my head to face him I was cut when I felt warm lips attached to mine.

His kissing me.

My eyes went wide and I can't move.

My first kiss.

Has been stolen by Jung Jaehyun.

He moved away and stare at me with serious face, again.

"Tell me... Do you like Ten?" I tensed up by his question. I keep my mouth shut and just stare at him, blankly.

I don't know what to say.

My mind is occupied with blankness. I just turned my head away and swing again, ignoring his question.

I'll just let him know through my actions

"I think silence means yes." He noticed.

"You know Taeyong liked you, and me." He started. "But Taeyong stop liking you when he saw you and Ten at the first time. He said that he already doesn't stand a chance. Why him? Why him out of all people? He said that to me." He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Taeyong moved on but me... I keep trying but I can't." He look at me in the eye. "I love you Crona. I always love you." He said.

I don't know what to say or do. My mind and heart are shocked knowing all this. Knowing that my bestfriends like me.

"Kkaebsong?" Nice way to ruin the moment Crona.

He laughed and ruffled my head.

"It's alright. I understand." He said and stood up from the swing.

"I like you too Jaehyun."

I saw his face shocked from what he heard but it was soon replaced by a smile.

"But you love somebody. Like and love is too far from each other. But thank you for liking me." He said and offer his hand to me. 

I took it and smiled at him.

"Woo! My heart feel so light now." He chuckled. "Now let's go home and get some sleep we have exams to take later." He said.

"Good thing you still remember that." I said. I rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed.

And good thing that we're not awkward with each other.

But my first kiss.

I'm going to kill him in his sleep.


Im suffering from a cold rn

/wink wonk/


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