Twenty five

338 21 9

After Yuta ditching me on the rooftop I decided to go back to my classroom and take that freaking exam.

Math... Ah math.

As I was walking down the stairs, I regretted turning my head on my right side.

I saw a cougar.

"Hello Unnie!" She said skipping towards me and giving me her sweetest plastic smile she could make.

She suddenly grabbed my arms like were friends. Please remind me to go after to the clinic. I need alcohol and more holy water.

I've been touched by satan's daugther.

"Unnie you shouldn't go near to Jaehyun, ok?" She said batting her pretty fake eyelashes towards me.

"Why should I?"

She smiled. "Because he's mine, Iceslut."

"Didn't you heard me back at the library? Jaehyun or NCT doesn't belong to someone's property." I said getting away from her gripped. Is this gull found of skinship?

"Excuse me." She said while putting her hands in her waist.

"Excuse you."

"Ughh! Stay away from them! I've been their fan since you came to this school! I'm the first one to know them you btch!" She finally exploded. Grabbing her hair and glaring at me with those lined eyes.

"You want them to notice you?" I asked her smirking.

"I don't have to be notice by them! I'm beautiful and everything and you're just a cougar!"

"Oh really? But I heard you're the cougar." I grinned.

"You whre! Why does it have to be you?! Why do they hang out with someone who's emotionless and cold as Ice?! You're no fun at all!" She's supposed to pushed me but luckily my reflexes are fast.

"Why does it have to be me? Why do they hang out with me and not with you?" I smirked at his remarks. "It's because you're not me." I patted her head and continue to walk towards my designated room.

One last time I turned to face her. "Sorry Daehwan but it's not my fault that they're friends with me. And you shouldn't play with Ten's heart, you know he loves you so stop using him just to get his friend."

"I'm sorry btch but do you think I'll listen to your pathetic mouth? I'll get them myself. I'm too good than you." She muttered.

"Sorry Daehwan but I don't have time to roast you right now." I said while my back is facing her. "Exams is more important than thee likes of you."

I hurriedly returned to my classroom, because heck! I'm late already because of Daehwan. Does that girl doesn't care about her grades at all?!

"YOU LATE AGAIN!" Last time Boo Seungkwan now Yuta? I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"How dare you left me there at the rooftop." I said smacking the back of his head. "Ouch." He muttered and laugh awkwardly.

"Keep quite now." The teacher interrupted and proceed giving us our test papers. Crossed my finger, I hope something would flashback in this dead brain of mine.

As I flipped the paper to see the questions. My eyes suddenly cried with blood.

Is this in the book?

I stared at the paper for 3 minutes of reading each question but no luck. I don't know any of this.

Oh look there's truth or false.

I wished I have Namjoon's brains. Namjoon is our top student and I'm always stuck on ranked 4.


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