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I woked up from someone poking my cheeks. I can feel we're still inside the car because of the aircorn hitting my skin.

"Crona wake up." I don't know who you are but I solemly swear I'll kick your fking ass.

"Just 5 more minutes."

"Root in there then." He said sassily.

I can guess it's Taeyong, that old sassy lady. I drifted to dreamland once again and someone is shaking the hell out of me.

"Crona wake up."

"Taeyong I promised. I'll kick your old ass when i get out of he--."

"I'm not Taeyong."

I opened my eyes to see a little hamster staring at me with a straight face. We get out from the car and to my suprised we're not in a mall.

"Where are we?" I asked him grabbing his arms but he just coldly take his arms out of my grip. What's wrong with him all of a sudden?

I just stood there suprised by his action. What has gotten into him. Where's my little hamster?!

"Just follow me." Ten has his back facing me and I can feel the coldness in his voice. I just followed him until I saw a house...more like a mansion. When we got inside Johnny quickly dragged me in front of the TV and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows is showing. This potter kid. I sighed slumping my body into the couch.

I'm still so tired. Tired just like how Mark love rice. I checked my phone to see what time is it. It's already 8.

That's a long ass ride.


"Children it's time for dinner!"

Hansol shouted at his "CHILDREN" back in the kitchen. Me and Johnny just ignored their screaming and put our attention to Voldemort trying to concure a high school. badly he just turned into dust lol.

We were awakened by a grandma hitting us with his spoon, wearing a apron around his waist and a handkerchief in his head. How manly.

"Get your asses up from the damn couch and go to the kitchen. Geez, children these days are so into technology." He scolded us by not listening to Hansol hyung.

"Excuse me T-yongie but I'm older than you."

"It's only 3 years."

"I'm still older."

"But Crona is way too younger than me."

They looked at me for a second and continued with their quarrel.

I decided to head to the kitchen because obviously I'm hungry. Always.

"Crona sit down beside me!" Doyoung called me and all of their heads turned to my direction, well what can I say I'm the only girl in here. It's that weird I tell you. I'm already thinking that they see me as a boy like theirselves.

I nodded at him and I just noticed that I'm sitting right next to Ten, who's been quite for awhile. It's not so like him being like this. Did I do anything?

I just ignored my thoughts and start raping the food.

"Noona didn't you said you're on diet?" Jaemin said, obviously teasing me.

"And she said he's got a lot of food." Jaehyun joined him.

I dropped my spoon and bread on the table and stared at them blankly.

"Hehehe continue with your food." Jaehyun awkwardly laugh and even gave me a plate of sweets.

"Well we can't deny how good is Taeyong hyung's cooking, right?" Jaemin nudging at the older one.

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