Chapter 4

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I sat up in bed as Jennifer took a seat next to me.
"Why did you do it?" I asked
Her response was long and I figured I shouldnt interrupt as she told it. " When I was sixteen I got pregnant with you, I was told by my parents I would carry you to term and give you up for adoption. Three days after my seventeenth birthday I gave birth to you, I didnt want to meet the people I gave you to but I made them promise me that I would receive pictures and letters once a year so I could know how you were doing." She pulled out a photo book turning the pages of all these pictures and letters from them all the way up to when I turned eight. "I have been following your life this whole time, until around your eighth birthday they stopped sending me pictures and letters and I took that as a sign that I should let you go."
I couldnt believe my eyes as I flipped through the book with tears in my eyes.  
"You didnt know the real reason why you stopped getting the updates?" I coughed out and she shook her head no.
"They both died a month after my eight birthday from a drunk driver coming home from my older sisters volleyball game." I cried
She instantly grabbed my hand and I started to explain more.
"I was forced to live with my abusive aunt and uncle until I was eighteen. Because I didnt share the same blood as them and my siblings I was treated the worse, I slept in a closet for ten years, before I received my scholarship to Georgetown to play forward for the soccer team. I have never returned back to their house and started up a new life here. I met Jacob two years ago when I first moved here and we started dating six months later. He became my family as well as his family."  I told her with tears running down both of our faces.
"Britt, I am so sorry I made you go through all of that. I was young and your real father wanted nothing to do with you or me. My husband Will knows about you and told me that if we ever met he would want to meet you and bring you into the family. You have two younger brothers, Henry who is seven and Michael who just turned four." She explained.
I didnt know what to do when she told me all of that. She wiped the tears away from my face and said "Britt I never want to lose you again, I want to start over and be there for you. Jacob has given me his blessing to try and get to know you but it really comes down to you and if you are willing to allow me into your life."
I looked at her in complete and utter disbelief that after twenty years, now she wanted to be part of my life.

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