Chapter 39

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I drove home in silence thinking to myself.  How could I be pregnant? We were always trying to be safe. Than it hit me, it was around a month ago.
I was coming home from work and Jacob had a nice candle light dinner set up in our living room.
"Hey, babe. Welcome home." He said
"What is all this?" I asked
"Am I not allowed to surprise my beautiful wife?" He asked giving me a deep passionate kiss
"Oh, you are. So what did you make me?" I asked as the food aroma filled my senses
"Just your favorite. Cajun chicken pasta with the finest bottle of white wine under $25." He said taking my hand and walking me over to the table
"And for dessert?" I asked
"That was your job." He said laughing
After two bottles of wine we were sitting on the couch laughing about when we first meet.
"Remember when we first slept together?" I giggled
"You were my first girl. And will be my last." He laughed
"We were so nervous about that. We just laid there afterward and didnt say anything." I laughed
"Well, I think we have both improved." He said whispering in my ear sending shivers down my spine
"Yes, we have." I said giving him a passionate kiss and climbing into his lap to straddle him
"I like this dessert way more than what I made." He said as his hands made their way under my shirt
"And I like this view way more." I said lifting his shirt up over his head
We never breakaway from making out after that. Jacob took my bra off and unbuttoned my jeans as I unbuttoned his. He lifted me up and carried me to our room. It was another night we made love and one that we forgot to be safe and use a condom.

I pulled up to our place and met up with Jacob out front of our place.
"I love you so much." He said grabbing my face and kissing me deeply
"I love you so much more." I said pulling away
"Lets go to Barnes and Noble." He said unlocking the door
"Why? Its almost 7." I laughed
"I want to get some baby books. I need to start studying." He said walking into out place
"We just found out. And it might not be even be a for sure thing." I said laughing "You said we would be celebrating." I said wrapping my arms around my neck
"Alright hows this we celebrate tonight and first thing tomorrow we go to the store." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"That sounds..." before I could finish saying what I was saying he picked me up and took me to our room of a night of celebrating.

A little short chapter as I think of some new things 😊

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