One | Six Years

412 11 20



As I slip through the pages of my math textbooks, searching for empty questions waiting for my answer to fill in, my phone buzzes scaring the shit out of me.

Harry: We're coming home soon.

Me: Okay, anything for me to help?

Harry: Just water bottles.

Me: Sure.

I left my phone making it close of by its own. All I could do was roll my eyes and sigh leaning back on my study chair. Because I knew who that 'we' is. 6 years. 6 fucking years.


I stared at the white ceiling waiting for Harry to come back soon. I pull my 13- year old body off the bed to fetch water realizing I've been lying down for 2 hours. I walked out of my room being welcomed by our crappy living room.

It was filled with nothing but a three people couch although Harry didn't buy it. The smallest flat screen TV, the walls cracked with our family frame hung on it. Before we left, Harry decided to bring it if I missed them but to be honest, I never felt it. The walls were painted with faded light brown and was covered with tiny holes. Harry and I never was bothered by the crap we are living in as long as we had shelter and I agreed.

"I'm home!" Harry's deep voice echoed through the whole house and he slammed the door shut. He was always in a good mood and today was the day he'd tell me why. Harry was the usual kind of brothers. Protective, funny, caring, especially a jerk too. But I was always grateful for what he's done. Even though Dad put some money in his bank account, he'd never use it since he wanted to earn his own money. So he started working in a car repair shop.

I ran and hugged him tightly around his waist since I was short and he wrapped his thin hands around me.

"Cat, you missed me didn't ya?" Harry chuckled brushing my hair. I heard someone clearing his throat and I pulled away feeling my cheeks becoming flame hot. I looked up and saw a blonde boy scratching at the back of his neck.

"She's your sister?" he asked with a thick Irish accent. Harry nodded heading towards the kitchen. I pull my hands out and gave him the biggest smile I could do.

Oh my God, he's not bad.

I take a look at him and I'm not lying but he looks good as hell. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, grey sweats and a pair of black sport shoes. His blond hair was flattened down on his forehead and I could see his brown roots showing a bit at the back.

He shook his head and walked past by me ignoring the fact that I was trying to shake his hand. I felt hurt but at the same time, angry. Is he not educated or what? These are just basic manners and couldn't he give me at least a smile or tell me his name.

I stomped towards him sitting comfortably on the couch and stood right in front of him.

"Is it so hard for you to at least shake a person's hand or smile? I'm being nice and you're obviously doing the opposite!" I shouted, expecting him to at least mutter a sorry and do as I mentioned but nope, I don't think he even wants to.

"Harold, she's a funny one!" he said receiving an agreement from Harry. Seriously? Harry agreed?

"Don't your parents teach you manners?!" I screamed. But that was it. I hit a nerve judging by the fact he stood up instantly and towered over me. His face was close to mine and his gorgeous blue eyes shot through my brown ones. I gulped down which felt like a huge lump in my throat still looking at him. I was now staring at his freckles, trying to avoid contact. But I knew that would show the fact that I was afraid and I couldn't do that. After a few seconds, I stared back into his a blue eyes and caught him smirking but it soon faded.

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