Six | Client

180 10 2


Niall's POV

(Before he disappeared)

I was surprised to be exact. She just kissed me without any warning. She just did it like it's what she wanted to do for a while. The warmness of her touch and lips had always sent shivers to me.

And kind of angry with myself.

Who knew I can manage seeing someone hurt and down by just a few words. Or maybe I went on too harsh but why? Why the hell am I going too hard and rough whenever she tries to be nice?
All my stupidity hangs up high, weighing heavily on my shoulders. Ever since I turned around and left as she told me to, I couldn't help but face down and ponder again and again.

My phone buzzed in my pockets and I pulled it out like a piece of paper. I sighed silently at the sight of Louis calling.

"Mate," he called out.

"Yeah, what is it?" I whispered. The fuck am I whispering for?

"Why are you whispering?" I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me to it. "I need you to come. There is a client"

"What? I told you I don't do that stuff anymore. I'm keeping a low profile"

"A ten thousand Niall. Ten fucking thousand. You are coming and that's it" I wanted to argue but he hung up leaving me no choice but to follow it. I rolled my eyes and thought for a while. I don't need that much money. Well... do I? I don't now, it could help me and Greg but he don't give no shits.

I'm a Uni drop out who doesn't even have proper job. Well, I do and that is at the car repair. But I don't get much money there and it will seem weird as a car repair would pay me a thousand.

Do I really need that much of money?

Jesus, what happened to me?

I walk out and saw that Caythe is no longer here and ran to my apartment. It took me long enough to realize I was already in front and I enter the building. Unlike Harry's one, this building had elevators but sometime doesn't work so it's a win-lose situation. Not wasting any time, I climb up the stairs after finding out it isn't working. Our flat was in 4th floor so I breathe heavily when I reached. I unlocked the door with struggle and the door opened hitting me with a smell of coffee.

"Hey little bro, did you jog outside? You're pretty much sweating" Greg walked to me but I had no time to deal with him so I ignored him and walked over to my room. "C'mon, you don't wanna talk?" Greg called out. I take a deep breath and walk towards him.

"Look Greg, all these time I did too, but not now. Go and work to your beloved job and come home all wasted. Maybe that will be the time I would want to talk to you" I turned away but stopped when I heard him continue.

"I quit that job"

"What?" I looked back at him confused.

"I was offered at a music shop" he said. I nodded and headed to my room and showered feeling bad that I snapped at him. He quit his job either because of these two reasons. One, he was offered. Two, me.

I complained a times to him about his work as a bartender and I guess he was tired by my all talk or because he wanted my happiness but I doubt that.

After a quick shower, I pull on an Arctic Monkeys shirt and pair of jeans. I pulled on Nike and headed out but stopped midway. I looked over to see Greg sitting on the couch all comfy.

"Greg, can I ask you something?"


I cleared my throat and asked, " was the reason you quit because of the offer or me?"

He smiled and replied, " You"

"Because of..."

"For your happiness" he said. I smiled and walked to him.

"C-can I give you a hug?" he laughed and stood up.

"You're too cute. Why ask?" he gave me a man hug and hid my face into his neck missing him. We had been apart for long time and I really missed talking to him. Even on weekend, he would just sleep and not speak a word to me. That's the reason why I always end up in Harry's. He was always like a brother to me. Understanding, comfortable, all I need to cover up Greg. But now, I have both of them.


I drove my car and pulled over the empty lot. I walk out and head inside our little hideout. It had little cracks on the walls, faded colours everywhere and the smell of weed. Don't even mention cigarettes.

"Here man" I looked at where that voice came from. Liam stood there motioning me to follow him.

"Who came?" I asked. We walk in the halls which had a lot of echoes and so I whispered so no one could hear.

"Frank Woodstern"


"You will see" I nodded and followed him in silence until we reached the last door.

Liam opened the door and shut it behind me once I entered. I used to be in this room a lot of times back in high school. They had this room only for clients and I was mostly their best guy. I had done a lot of things except murder and kidnapping as it wasn't my thing. I never liked the idea of seeing blood and blinding a person.

My eyes then stopped wandering when I see an old buff man with grey but also black hair. He wore a black suit with a grey dress shirt. His pants and shoes matched his suit and I walked over to him where he was sitting down. He showed me a signal to sit across him and I did.

"You must be Niall Horan" he said with a deep rusty voice. He didn't sound British so I'm guessing he's not from here.

"Yes, and you must be Frank Woodstern" I replied with confidence. I had always been this way when I had meetings with my clients. Louis told me I had to be this way in order that person will pick me with trust.

"I heard you were the best choice"

"I try, sir"

"So I need you to do a favor for my lady" he smirked and leaned forward, his arms resting on the table. I looked at him firmly and nodded.

"I need you, to kidnap, Caythe Michelle Styles"


Ooooo ok one short crappy chapter but this is not the end!! There is more to this so please don't give up!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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