Fifteen | Shut me out

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Niall's POV

"H-how...?" the only thing I could ever bring out. The only the thing that I could ever breathe out right now. It felt so surreal. So unbelievable that he found out. And stupid of me to not ever think he wouldn't find out. He is Frank Woodstern. The Morture (I made it up) gang's leader. The biggest and wildest gang no one even dared to set their eyes on. And he was a leader no one would even be near. How could I ever not expect this?

"I have never thought you would scoop this low Horan" he laughed but not keeping the glare away. The dark color of his eyes that could shade the brightest light. The anger in him that could start a fire like on a cigarette. The knuckles that could even break twenty rocks. And a heart that don't have a single ting of warmness. Just ice.

"It wasn't very hard" he said not having an emotion in him. It isn't that pleasant. It isn't that calming. It isn't that easy. To even hear him talking, to hear him breathing, and to know his heart still beating. It isn't something I would ever want.

"The paper that was written with the address I gave you that day, wasn't her address. It was mine. It was a test. I wanted to see whether you came or not. But you didn't. Why? Because you didn't bother to see it since you fucking knew where she lived" he explained. And he is right. I didn't even look at it. I didn't even open the folded paper. And I was that dumb. He played me. He toyed with me by all his emotions. He pretended to be someone nice. When he clearly isn't.

"And, I would always have an underling to check on her, son" he laughs.

"Don't fucking call me that" I growled and he raised his eyebrows still not making that stupid smile away. I wanted to beat the shit out of him. I wanted to push his body off the cliff. I wanted to fire gun shots into his heart. I wanted his presence to be gone. Off this world.

He leaned closer to me and whispered. His filthy breathe hitting my cheeks. "You know, better have some fun with her before she leaves you" he clears his throat and leaned back to that leather seat.

"You are a fucking psycho" I grit my teeth so hard I felt like it would fall off anytime.

"I've been told. Drive off" he smirked and after the car drove away, I shouted. I screamed so loud, feeling so frustrated. The night sky hovering above me while the stars shine so bright. The moon wasn't visible. But only the stars. The god damn stars.

"Caythe" I whispered to myself before running down the pathway. I didn't bother using my car that was parked a little far away. I didn't bother the little shattered glasses on the side. I didn't care about the drunk group of men passing me. I didn't even care about anything as my mind was clouded by her safety. Only her.

I kept running for the fact that her building was a far from mine. My knees grew weak but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I can't seem to bring myself to stop or rest. The breeze hit my face and I was sure my nose and ears are red from the cold. My cheeks felt warmed up and my goose bumps rose on my skin. I didn't care if it was chilly. I didn't care. Even though winter is in a few months, London is always up to rains and chilly winds. But that didn't stop me. My hair was pushed backwards and I finally stopped as I see the apartment.

My lungs pumped out and in, my nose sucking in every air present. My heart racing so fast as if it would jump out of my chest. It beats so loud till the beat is the only thing I could hear in the dark night.

I slowly walked from the tiredness into the building sighing to see more stairs to climb. But I had to do this.

My legs moved upwards and it suddenly felt like I was hiking. Hiking to reach the destination. An effort to protect whatever it is up there. And it was her. Harry told me he would stay over at Liam's as usual. Which meant Caythe is home alone.

It felt like hours until I reached her door, knocking as loud as I can. There seemed to be no answer but I continued until my knuckles felt sore and red from the knocking. I started to panic and pace around massaging my temples hoping It would cool down the headache I felt.

I got one choice and that is to call her. Which I did. Nope, no answers. I dialed again receiving a forward to a voice message. I groaned jumping up and down impatiently. Obviously she isn't sleeping through all this banging and ringtone which could only lead to one thing. She is out.

"Shit" I breathed and climb back down the stairs only to be met by her. she climbed the steep stairs past by me all tired and blank. Her emotions looked as if it drained out of her. Her life looked so helpless and untouched. She didn't even realize I was there. Or maybe she didn't care at all. But why?

"Caythe?" I slowly grab her wrist but she pulled her hand away. Did she just...? Did she just walked away?

"Go away Niall" she said silently. She continued walking up the stairs and I followed her. I kept calling her name but she acted as if the world is silent. Like nothing was present except herself. Not even me.

"Caythe! What is wrong with you?" I finally snapped tired of her sudden attitude. She turned around glaring into my blue eyes. She frowned and her lips fell down. Her jaws are clenched and I could see she was trying to hold back the urge to punch someone.

"I said go away. I don't need any of your shits" she continued walking unlocking her door before slamming it shut once she entered. I stood there, all confused by what she meant.

Trying to find a reason of why she shut me out.


All will be said in the next chapterrr

Thank you again, for reading this story and I didn't expect it to be 15 chapters. Maybe it will end it twenty or something I don't know. But then again, there will be a sequel! Anddd don't forget about found me! I have a feeling I would quite like it!


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