Twelve | Cupcake Dealer

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Caythe POV

Niall left probably an hour ago after me saying that Harry might come home any time soon since it's already nine am. And I slowly regretted sending him away. Not like I had a choice of course. Harry would surely flip out if he finds out that Niall...likes me, kind of.

He apologized though, I don't know if for only that morning but also the past years but I learned to stop bringing those up. He probably already felt bad enough, I'm not into ruining it when his hatred had been gone. I don't need it to come back again.

And, he still didn't tell me about Roberts. He didn't mention anything about his family. Did he know the past? Did he ever meet up with his step brother? Has he even seen his own father?

Why couldn't I just ask him that last night? He was so close. He was lying. A part of me told that he was telling the truth about why he disappeared. But another part told me it was a lie. He is hiding it.

Maybe Harry knows. Maybe he'll tell me sooner.

And, speaking about my family, Harry isn't home yet. He didn't even texted me. I'm not a fortune teller or something but maybe, just maybe, he found something. Perhaps he found a clue. Behind all this secret I wanted to find out. It is a shame that Harry didn't want me tostep a foot outside, but hey, I did went out. And I found out one secret while doing it.

I found out a part of Niall's secret. His family.

But there is more for sure. And it felt like everything might stumble down once I found out the truth.

I couldn't wait anymore as I turned on my phone and dialing his number.

"Hello?" I called out once he answered.

"Oh Caythe, yeah, what is it?"

"When are you home? You said by today you will be" I said. He kept quiet for a while until he replied.

"Uh... I'm sorry, but I can't. I have a few stuff to be handled"

"What is it tha-"

He hung up and I bit my lip holding back the urge of throwing my phone across the room. He hung up? On me? What the fuck is he doing right now that is so urgent?

I lost my control and got up. Stomping on the floor, I grab my jacket and house key before walking out of the apartment. I quickly climb down the stairs and suddenly felt a wave of memory. The time when I went to Niall's flat.

I ignored it and continued walking down the empty morning streets. This is the most stupid idea I would ever do but at least it's worth trying. I kept walking but then stopped as I saw Harry's car parked beside a bricked building. I gulp down and moved forward silently.

I reached the door and with my trembling fingers, I finally succeed twisting the door knob.

It made a creaking sound and I cringe at how loud it sounded. At distant, it sounded like the muffled conversation stopped which caused me to freeze at my position.

"Hey hey, who's this pretty girl" a dark haired color boy walks out, his hair up in a quiff, black leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. His one ear was pierced and tattoos covered up his tanned skin.

"Hi? Have you see-"

I was then cut by someone pulling me out of the building and I screamed. I pull away from the person's grip and looked up to see Harry.

"What the fuck Harry?!" I wiped the sweat away from my mouth since Harry's hands were sweating. He placed his index finger to his thin lips and turned around to enter the building. After a while he walked out.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now