Ten | Confessions

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Caythe's POV

"Niall?" was the only thing that could come out from my mouth. He stood there looking nervous as he bites down his lower lip, nibbling on it a little. I noticed his features and he looked like he was covered with a light grey zip up hoodie, a darker shade of grey shirt inside, accompanied with black sweats. He was wearing a Adidas black and white shoes. He looked like he didn't have time to shower but still smelled fresh. His cologne making me lost my senses.

I opened my mouth again but got cut by him walking towards me quickly, cupping my cheeks as he reached and leaned in closing the gap between his lips touched mine.

Fireworks shoot through me, I felt giddy. My head was spinning and my knees went weak. I soon melt into his soft lips finally giving in.

Why the hell am I doing this?

Why the fuck am I not pushing him away or slapping him in the face?

Why is he pretending as we're closer than we ever were?

Not like we were close but.

The kiss was sweet, gentle very passionate until he decided to turn it around. He tilts his head to the right a little deepening the kiss. One of his hands was placed at the back of my neck while the other was cupping my cheek wiping it with his thumb as if there were invisible tears flowing down. I moved both of my hands up to his neck and wrapped around it. We broke away to catch our breathes and I stared into his ocean blue eyes while his one bore into my green ones. He smiled a little before reconnecting our lips. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his torso which he replied sooner by holding my hips tightly. He turned and walked forward until I felt like I was pressed against the door.

I ignored the thud when I was pressed and focused on him. I wanted more, more than just his kiss. But I didn't want to end up doing something we might regret soon.

We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes, adoring the pupils. Our heavy breathing, swollen lips, and flushed cheeks were the only think I could ever think of.

"I'm sorry" he whispered so quietly that I wouldn't be able to hear it if I wasn't paying attention. I frowned and looked at him slightly confused.

"For what?" I asked.

"For disappearing" he said. I shook my head and smile assuring him that it was fine. Then the idea came to mind.

"C-can you uh.. stay? Tonight?" I looked down blushing, knowing it was stupid to ask him that. I could tell that he thought about Harry but I covered it up soon.

"He's not home till tomorrow" I said still not facing him. He used his free hand to grab my chin and made me face him. He kissed gently on my nose and nodded.

"It's okay, I'll stay" he said, his voice so soft. My eyes lit up and he chuckled slowly putting me down making sure I didn't fall.

As he turns away probably to the bathroom, I couldn't help but run and hug him tightly. I felt his toned abs and his hands quickly intertwing mine from front.

"I'm sorry too, for what I said that morning" I said still hiding my face into his back.

"I could say the same, but just know I didn't mean anything by all of those" he said. I could tell that he was smiling.

I let go and blushed at the gesture I just did. Here I was, hugging Niall Horan I used to hate for six years. I guess, that's what they say, ' hatred always change to love'.

He walked to the bathroom and shut it gently while I take a deep breath.

But then it all came rushing back. He was Robert's son. He was the family that Robert had left. The one he lost. And now I wondered, what is us? What are we right now? Things were heated before but he immediately turned it into a sweet moment. How did he do it? Are we still friends? Or, does he still acknowledge me as his mate's little sister?

Does he hate me, still and that these were a part of his plan? Can't be. Let's hope not.

"Love?" his voice interrupted me from my thoughts and I looked at him. He smiled and I realized that I was still standing at my old position, looking lost like a puppy.

I nod and walked towards him not thinking about making my smile fade any moment now.


I laid there watching him getting lost by playing with my brown waved hair. I didn't cringe whenever he pulled out a knot, I didn't even know why. I used to hate people touching my hair but I felt comfortable with him playing with it.

Our position got really sweet at the moment as my elbow was tucked under my head, my other hand just laying there on the outer bed sheet. His position was the same, except his free hand was still playing with my loose hair ends. Our foreheads were almost touching and I waited for him to talk.

The moonlight coming from the window shone into his blue eyes, making it look so cliché. I however was still dull, with no light brightening me. But I didn't care.

"Why were you gone?" I asked. He tensed for a while and pulled his hand away from my hair. I felt empty but I could tell he was scared.

"I, I had to think" he said.

"Think about what?"

"Stuff" he gulped down and a part of me told that he was somehow lying. But I ignored it.

"And?" I stared into his freckles adoring how it fitted him so well.

"I think I like you for some reason" my heart sank. I didn't show it, but maybe it was obvious.

"Oh" the only thing I could get out. I hoped that my voice didn't crack because if it did, it would be too awkward.

"I don't hate you either" he blurt out. My heart began beating abnormally and my fingers went all squeezing. My toes curled up and I was sure I didn't have hearing problems.

"Y-you what?" I managed to speak. Never did I felt like this for once. Not when I had some fling in high school. Not some crush I had in my old childhood before I moved out. This isn't only liking or a crush.

"I know for sure that I don't hate you anymore and that I want to put all of those things behind. I want to start this whole thing all over again like we're normal," he stopped and said it quietly. "But we can't"

I was sure I heard a crack in his voice. I didn't feel the pain. Not the extreme one. But I did had that hurt knowing he didn't want a relationship.

"Why?" I questioned.

"To protect you, it's complicated Caythe. I will explain soon" he turned around not wanting to face me anymore. I became curious. So desperate to find this little secret he was hiding. Or maybe it was a big one. But what was this thing that kept our love away?

My eyes felt tired and I thought of only one thing to say to him.

"I don't hate you too" I said not hesitating for once.

I could tell he smiled and he finally replied which felt like an hour.



Yeah yeah, no need to mention it. It's soo typical and lame and cliché. But I wrote this at one am so I didn't have time to think about any good scenes.

Anyways, I updated! I don't know if I would be able to update found me, since I might be super, mega busy later on, but I will make sure to hurry it up! Thank you for reading and YAY! They confessed! But they cant be together... sad.

Lln, don't forget to vote, comment and share! I love you for reading this!


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