Four | Questions

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I sat down with a huff and crossed my arms while Harry set the plates down. He cooked chicken soup with a salad side dish and made lemonade. Niall is now staring at my posture and I find it really uncomfortable.

"Well, aren't you grumpy?" he said with a smug look on his face. That is the look I really hate because it shows that he is so full of himself. It made me intimidated by him. It's an indirect way to tease me but him underestimating me? Never.

And maybe that's how he is, acting as if he never made me feel like shit for years and being the normal friend he is. Does Harry know?

I rolled my eyes and Harry sat down beside me until he told we could dig in.

I finished my food earlier than the both of them-I'm surprised I finished it fast because at first I didn't have an appetite when Niall kept looking at me but then Harry makes the best dishes-and set my plate down in the sink washing it.

"When do you get ready for tuition?" Harry asked breaking the silence between the three of us.

"After two hours. Will you be home by then?" I replied trying to continue the conversation. I'm not an expert at starting a talk or continuing it but at least I could try.

"Probably not" Harry mumbled. I nodded even though they couldn't see it. I had always been curious of what he does with his gang lately. I knew that they go to clubs, drink, skateboard or more but it seemed like more is going on. It's not like I don't trust him, but it's like he's hiding something from me. Something... dangerous.

And he's not telling me any time sooner.

. . .

I packed my bio textbooks in the bag and dumped my headphones in too. I knew I wasn't going to use it much but it has been a habit. Bringing my headphones everywhere. I decided to just bring my black pen instead of a whole case and zipped it up.

Harry and Niall left an hour ago so that leaves me no choice but to use a taxi. I hung my bag onto my right shoulder and waked out grabbing a 20 euros note on the table in the kitchen. I remember Harry yelling from the living room to use that for the taxi before walking out doing whatever he wants.

I shut the door behind me and locked it twice. Sighing, I lazily walked down the stairs since this apartment has no elevator (which sucks of course). I reached down and waited outside for taxi.

Luckily, one stopped by and I stepped in telling the driver my address. He nodded before driving off in silence. I realized he is the silent type but then again, who would talk with a stranger?

I decided to create a conversation. But me being the awkward type, I looked around the car to find a subject. My eyes are caught at a family photo at the gear and debated to myself whether or not to bring it up. It showed him and his wife standing so lovely next to each other with their sons in front. The older one was a head taller than the younger one.

The ride was silent, nothing like I expected because all the taxi drivers had this thing for receiving calls and shouting at whoever it is and involving the customers with their problems. But this one, he didnt say anything and I felt like he wanted to talk so I started one.

"Is that your family?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly before saying something which hurt me.

"Used to" he whispered. I could hear a crack in his voice but he still kept his eyes on the road.

"What-What happened" I asked. It's obvious that he wouldn't tell his past to a stranger but I couldn't help and ask him.

"I left them" he replied. To most people, it sounded like he is the bad guy for leaving but to me, it sounded like he was the victim.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now