Nine | Picture

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Caythe's POV

Today had been nothing but me roaming around like a freak. It has been the fourth day Niall is gone and I got a feeling that he might be doing something very dangerous. Or he might be in danger? Harry hasn't spoken about him ever since and my suspicions about him in touch with Niall grew. It would be weird if Niall didn't contact with his best friend for whole four days.

And Harry acted a little strange from when he woke up, till now which is 1 pm. He woke up earlier than he ever did before at 5 am and I still wonder what he might be doing right now. He might not be doing anything dangerous as he wouldn't let a single fly to even touch me. Not even an ant. That's how protective he is of me.

I never hated about the fact that he likes to protect me but it gets a little too far sometimes. Like, excuse me, I'm nineteen. Not nine. He even facetimes me to see where I am 24/7. I could still remember him video calling me while I was at the toilet doing my shits and stuff. I'll tell you what, the ladies were eyeing on me like I was a student walking in the school after beating some kids up. It was awkward.

I pace back and forth biting my nails as Harry called saying he wouldn't be back home by tonight. And why am I nervous? Because I had this little feeling of him doing something very stupid. I felt like it would be wrong. Something is wrong.

I stopped walking and thought of doing something. I grabbed my zip up brown hoodie and pulled it on before taking the house keys. I unlocked the door and stepped out, ignoring the sound of rain pounding. I shut the door gently and locked it before walking down the stairs.

I exposed myself to the empty street and covered my head with the hood. Luckily, the rain was not heavy so it slightly hit my head.

My boots clicking on the hard path was the only sound hearable here other than the rain. The cold breeze blows right past me and my hands kept hidden in my jeans pocket.

The bus stop soon came to view and I looked left and right before jogging towards the direction waiting seats.

"Thank you lord" I sighed and take a seat before leaning at the plastic wall. I closed my eyes for a split second but was interrupted by the sound of the heavy bus screeching.

I stand up and dug my hands into the pocket and took out my bus card before giving it to the driver. He did his thing before handing it back to me. I slowly walk at the end of the bus and sat down already regretting a bit of my decision. I felt like it would be as if a small mistake would cause a whole damage. Like I would be able to find a small puzzle to add to the secrets puzzle. Something th-

"Whose stop?" the driver called out and I snapped away from my thoughts standing up walking towards the door which was opened. I thanked the driver and got down taking a deep breath before I continued walking.

The building came to view and I entered it for the first time. Pressing on the button, the elevator came down and the door glide to the side. I take a step in and take a quick glance of myself.

I was drenched in rain water and the tips of my brown hair got wet. My hood was still up and my boots was already dried off whereas my jacket's taking its time absorbing the water.

I turn around to press the floor number but wondered which floor he was living. I remember Harry mentioning it to me but I couldn't really ring any bells now. The only thing I thought of doing was to call Harry.

After two rings he answered.

"Caythe? Need something?"

"Uh.. just curious, what's the floor of Niall's flat?"

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now