Eleven | Met and left

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Harry's POV ( I know, finally)

It was a rough night. A very rough one. No, I'm not talking about hooking up with someone but the fact that I found her. I finally found the lady that ran away from me and Caythe when we were just young. The lady that had given birth to the two of us. The lady that raised me. The lady that I used to call mother but not anymore.

7 Hours ago

I walk towards my parked car pulling my hood up so no one could catch me. I had an incoming call few minutes ago and that's why I told Caythe I couldn't be home for the whole night. I had that feeling of not coming back. Not until I sort it.

I opened the door and climb in my Range Rover dad has sent me when I first got my license. Even though he doesn't have that feeling of taking care of us anymore, I knew there was that little tingle of maybe giving us something. I pushed back the amount of money he always sent us because I wanted to live on my own. Not being spoiled by him. luckily, Caythe understood my purpose and never breathe a word about it. She is an understanding girl. But geez, if I caught her making out with one of my mates, it would be awkward as hell. Especially to Louis. Although he doesn't even know I have a sister. I wouldn't let him even touch her.

I drove until my GPS mentioned that my destination is on the right. I stopped and pull over at least a few meters away.

I looked around and caught a warehouse that seemed like it was used to be a vintage shop. It is small and didn't have any windows. Like inside its been demolished. But by people.

My boots click on the street as I walk nervously to the warehouse. As I reach there, I slowly push the door open and darkness was the only sight visible.

"Welcome, son"

That voice. The sound of that voice couldn't get more familiar. It felt like all my memories of her rushes back like waves. The sound of laughter and happiness rings around my head once more making me dizzy.

I felt fingers wrapping around my wrist and I shouted backing away from whoever that was.

"Slow down honey" her voice echoes again and suddenly the lights switched on making me flinch.

"M-mom?" I finally said looking down at her. She smiles and walk past me our arms rubbing a little. I couldn't believe my eyes. How was she able to contact me? How was she able to react so easily from meeting her son that she didn't see for years?

I couldn't even move. I was frozen. Unable to react from the shock of meeting her.

"Harry, meet Frank. He's my boyfriend now" she chuckled lightly. My eyes widen and I turned around only to be met by a man that had grey hair and a little wrinkled face.

"You must be Harry Styles, nice to meet you, I'm Frank Woodstern" he smiles deeply. Then it clicked. Frank Woodstern. He was the one. He is the guy who told Niall to kidnap Caythe. But what is mom even doing with him?

"Stay away from her" I said harshly, gritting my teeth. His eyebrows raised and narrowed his eyes a little. He stepped back and stopped beside my mother sliding a hand at her waist.

"I said stay away from her!" I ran towards them but my mom stopped me by slapping my cheeks. My head quickly titled to the right and my eyes widen and I looked at her. How could this be?

"Harry, can I talk to you for a minute?" she glares at me and I followed behind her.

"Listen, Harry, I need you to forget about me. Erase every memory you have of me" she said.

"The fuck you saying mo-"

"Harry! Just do it"

"But why? I just met you. I'm twenty now. You left me when I was a young teen. How could you possibly not cry or hug me?" I could feel tears grim in my eyes but I held it.

"I'm sorry Harry. But if anything happens to me, I don't want you crying. I don't want to see you or Caythe mourning at my funeral" she smiles.

"What do you mean? Do you have cancer?"

She chuckles a little before replying.

"No, just do it. I don't think of you as my son anymore. Wait, you aren't my son. You are some mistake!" she shouts. I stumble backwards at what she said. My fist balled up tightly but loosen after a while.

"You know I've never been so confused in my life" ha, I had to joke, I know.

"You will soon find out Harry. What you're thinking about right now, isn't what it is. I'm sorry" she turns away towards Frank and finally my tears dropped.

"C-can you hold me? For the last time?" my voice cracked and she stopped walking. I heard heels again and it sounded louder. I opened my eyes and see her smiling. She wipes my tears and wraps her small arms around me. I melt into her embrace and cried.

It was too much.


I sat at the hill watching the sun rise. My mom, no, the lady who raised me isn't what I think she is. There is more. And I needed to find it out.

There's no reason for mom to be with someone wanted. Hell, she can't even stand my dad who practically shout at the telly for some football game.

And there's no doubt I'm not leaving this as it is. Im not forgetting her.

For Caythe's sake.


Woop woop! Sorry for the late update! My days are so packed since im moving to a new house... forgive me?

Anyways, here is a sneak peak behind the truth and it soon be discovered. I will try and update as soon as I can. I take back my timings XD. And after this story ends, Found me will be frequently updated so stay tune!


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