Three | Presence

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I woke up with a bang outside, and it's obvious that Harry left for the day. I shifted with a grunt and finally realized that I slept beside the door. It all clicked now. What happened yesterday. The hurt I felt after what he said brought me to tears. I had always been the emotional and sensitive type but not anymore for 8 years. But then I came back to my old self all because of that dick.

I held my tears for that long but he pushed it all out. Now he knew I am weak. Now he could belittle me all he want. I mean why the fuck did I even let him come over every day? But it isn't in my control anyways. Harry got this house so I'm not one to complain. Or.. I could just talk to him about it. It's worth trying.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, opening the door. I straightly went to the bathroom beside my room and switched on the lights. The brightness got me to flinch and cause my body to shiver because of the coldness of the tiles. After washing my face and brushing my teeth in silence, I stepped outside. My legs walked lazily to the living room and hear the TV on with a football match. I sighed thinking that harry must have forgotten to shut it off.

But I am wrong.

I am met with Niall sitting on the floor leaning at the couch eating cereal. His legs are crossed and eyes concentrated on the screen. I smirked as an idea popped in my sleepy head. My eyes landed on the remote that is placed on the arm of the couch. I grabbed it silently and switched the TV off. I know boys are sensitive with that but I don't give a damn about it.

"What the fuck?" Niall asked placing his cereal down and stood up only to be met by the girl he teased yesterday. The girl he made cry after a long time. The girl who he thinks is weak. But what he doesn't know is that she isn't weak anymore.

I was not surprised when he dug his hands into his pocket and left it there before smirking. "Give it back".

"What? No. I'm not giving it" I said rather harshly.

"Oh really? Well then... you leave me no choice" he takes a few steps forward which made me to go back. The remote is still held in my hand tightly. It went on like that till I have no where no to go. I was trapped between him and the wall.

He smirked and stopped walking since he was very close to me. His blue eyes stared into my brown ones. It felt like the time we met but the situation is different. That time he was angry but now... I don't know what he's thinking. It was then his eyes dropped to my lips and before I knew it, he leaned down. I felt his hot breathe on my cold lips and it brushed against his.

"Thanks" he whispered and gosh, it was hot as hell. He leaned back leaving a trace of warmness on my cold lips. I wondered what he meant by 'thanks' but then I felt my hand is empty. Did he just... take the remote away from me by... that? Was I... intimidated by him? Wait... what the fuck happened?

He almost kissed you dumb ass, my subconscious interrupted. I ignored that fact and walked towards him.

"What are you doing here? Where's Harry?" I bombed him with questions which successfully got him annoyed. But he still ignored me and continued watching. The football match sounds filled in the living room and covered the silence between us.

"Don't make me pull the plugs out" I said.

He sighed and looked up at me and I swear I got tingles in my skin when he stares.

"I'm here to take care of the house and Harry went out for grocery. Do you need more information detective?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. I glanced at Niall and as expected; his eyes are glued to the screen. The team he supports almost got a goal, but the ball decided to be a dick and hit the corner of the goal. I could hear Niall curse under his breathe which i find cute. I shook my head when i called him cute and decided to not be in his presence anymore before entering the kitchen.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now