Twenty Two | Mixed Connection

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*please try to understand whatever is being revealed here :)*


Harry looked out the window, spacing out at the empty dark street ahead of him. The words of his sister being replayed with a sharp pain in his head. He knew something was up. He could hear that something was not right at all in her voice. It sounded like she was trying hard to sound like the previous Caythe. The girl he had taken care of with full love, and life. He used up all his energy to protect her after their mother left, and when they made a big decision on leaving their father.

No contact was being made with their father after that as it was only Harry and her. They were in everything together, but now it felt like she was pressured to stay far. He's not going anywhere.

"Harry, you've been staring at that damn tree for thirty minutes like you're in love with it, mind explaining what that call was about? What did she say?" Niall was butting into his thoughts ever since the call ended but Harry couldn't blame him for that. He started to cry but then calmed down, and just watched the light from the lamppost flick on and off, with few small stray cats roaming around all dirty and starving. He couldn't say anything else towards his irritated friend.

"Harry I swear I'll crash this car into that tree!"

He finally snapped out of it and looked over at Niall, who's fuming by now with hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel. He heard him say 'finally' from the sudden click of reality.

"Please stay calm when I tell you this" he spoke and Niall just stared at him with no expression.

"If being calm is like how you reacted then I have no promises" he bluntly told.

Harry ignored his remark and continued to try to find the proper words.

"She um... said t-that she will leave us for good with our mom and won't be seeing us again" he tried to say it with an understanding, calm voice and almost freaked out to see Niall only keeping his mouth shut, with eyes dull.

"Let me curse for a while" Niall said, which definitely made the situation bit lighter.

"But I don't believe her, this someone is probably making her say things, Niall. And we should turn around. I'm not trusting this place" he received an agreement from Niall and sighed, his fingers massaging his temples on either side of his face like it would work but it doesn't. It would never.


She sat on a bed this time, wondering what else could be thrown at her face. Her heartless mother was speaking with some guy out the room, voices muffled with each other somehow sounding like an argument.

Caythe flinched every time a voice is raised, as well as when a punch or a kick was being thrown on the wall. She thought soon a crack would be formed which can help her escape but with cameras everywhere, there's no way out.

The door opened and she jumped a little, seeing her mother entering with a sigh on her face as she silently closed the door behind her.

"I didn't want to tell you now but Frank insisted" she shrugged.

"I could tell" she muttered as Jasmine take a seat across of her with a chair that was once being pressed against the corner.

"Okay, first of all, you said that Niall is your half-brother right?" she sounded bored but Caythe could care less.

She nodded.

"Well luckily for you, he isn't"

Her heart raced faster than she expected it to be, not knowing if she could feel relieved, or confused.

"What? How? I saw it on that paper an-"

"Shut the fuck up, a paper won't solve it all" that made Caythe stop, and she uses all of her to not cry even more. Pissing her mother off isn't making this all better.
"A year after Niall was born, his mother had an affair with your father. And I was recently married to him so I can say it was an affair" she doesn't look at her daughter, knowing that face can make her stop talking.

"I don't know how they found each other or even had time because your father was quite a busy man. But I guess he was busy with her, after all", Caythe keeps silent. Her ears are wide open but her heart is clenching like a fist. It's bleeding and it hurts and her blood is pumping faster than anything. All her veins are narrowing with panic rising through it. There was so much desolation in her she can't remember the last time she even smiled.

"That's where Harry comes in. Your father didn't come home on Valentine's, despite the fact that he promised. And later on that night, he brought in a baby. Said it was for his friend who was so sick. But, how can one show so much love into a child that's not even yours?

However I was very naive at that time, so desperate for his love that I accepted Harry. There was no pain in my heart until I realized who the baby was really from. And guess what?" She looks over outside the window, "that woman lied to her husband for ten months that she was with a cancer friend. So devious don't you think? Maybe her husband was as desperate as I am"

"Lies, you're lying, those never happened, you just made them up!" Caythe finally felt the tears in her eyes, all the pain ready to burst out. All the secrets that she never knew existed now falling apart into her hands. She has to live with this now. She has to live thinking about all of this.

"So a year later, I left for a night and found Frank, at a club I think. After a few years he found out, eventually. So I guess he feels that kicking me out without listening to my sideline is the correct thing to do. And I told him to at least take care of you while I'm away. He agreed of course, only because you were already grown by that time. And that son of a bitch can't even realize who really is at fault" she stopped. She turns to look at the breaking soul on the bed, her mind telling her to continue breaking her but her heart pushing her to stop and just walk away. She's just a girl her heart says.

She ruined everything, her mind speaks.

Caythe had tears in her eyes, not having any word to be spilled. She couldn't control the frustration in her heart, making her feel that these are too bad to be true.

Keep pushing, her mind speaks once more. And she listens.

"Your father decided to use you against me and forced me to leave. When he himself didn't even know his mistake" she smirked at the reaction.

"I thought of using a white board to explain but I know you're too smart for that kind of equipment. Get some rest" she got up and left the room with a chuckle.

Caythe was left with a story she didn't know to be the truth or not but somehow, she felt like she needed to stay farther away from Harry and Niall, and be stuck in that room for hours.



Dude if only you knew how hard it took for me to summarize the dumb plot into an understandable paragraph. Story is coming to an end and sequel might be coming alive next year :)

Love youusss

Edited: 3 July 2017
I broke it apart into paragraphs so you can get more info, if there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask. I'll be here all the time since wattpad if my only life.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now