Thirteen | Roberts

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Caythe's POV

"So, how have you been?" Niall asks as he places a mug of tea on the coffee table that is now clean after a little fight of whipped cream Harry and him played a while ago. I will tell you what; they are physically in the twenties but mentally five year olds.

It's not like I didn't like it, it just seem so cute. This guy, on good terms with my brother. How better can it be? Although they are on good terms for so long, I couldn't get over with the fact that they can pull off with those drugs. Harry never came home wasted, well once. But he stopped after. But Niall... I don't even know.

Maybe he did, maybe he did not. But it's not like that could stop my feelings growing slowly for him.

"Niall, you were away few hours ago" I laughed and he throws himself beside me. Harry has gone off to shower saying he didn't sleep at all last night. He always took long showers anyway.

"Yeah I know, just curious" he shrugged. I took a sip from the mug feeling blessed as the hotness of the tea flows through my body. I smiled and place the mug down. I bring my legs up and cross it just trying to feel comfortable.

"How do you feel?" he asks somewhat again. I turn my head towards him.

"What do you mean?" I frowned and he takes a deep breathe.

"About my... Thoughts. On you" he looks down his cheeks flaming red. I take a second to notice his home features which include messed up hair, wrinkled jersey along with his shorts. I loved the way how comfortable he looks even though his friends came by. The way his biceps are clean of tattoos although he hangs out with guys full of them. The way he never looks uncomfortable.

"Niall, I don't care. Even if you hate me... I would still like you. It's you and me" I smiled bringing his face to meet mines. His hands push my wrist gently not wanting to hurt me.

"I'm sorry we can't have that" he said.

"Why not? Why can't we be like that Niall?" I asked still curious of the reason. He shook his head and looked around his house probably not wanting to face me anymore.

"It's too hard" he sighed and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Whatever it is, we can get through it" I said. He stands up all of a sudden and I frowned looking at the sight of him frustrated.

"We can't! Okay?! How many times do I have to say that? God It suffocates me!" he shouts and I stand up standing close to him.

"So now you regret it? Now you regret saying all of those stuff to me?" he turns and almost walked away until I pulled his arm.

"Answer me Niall" I grit my teeth but since he's stronger, Niall pulls away from my grip leaving my empty like that. Wow, how could a sweet moment turn into something like this? What did I possibly do wrong? Why would he regret it? And... what is that reason?

"Niall! Niall!" I walked quickly towards where the bedrooms are and there were two. One was dark, the door shut and the other was dark too. But the door was left swinging.

"ESCAPE FROM THE CITY AND FOLLOW THE SUN!" a voice sang from the showers and I groan knowing it was Harry singing a song he wrote few days ago.

"Harry shut the fuck up, I don't need you showing off your voice!" I bang on the door and suddenly the water stopped and no movement is heard.

"Hey! You go check up on that boy not me!" he said and my eyes widen, my cheeks turn flaming red.

"How did you..."

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now