Fourteen | Knew

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(Note that this chapter will be short and it's a cliffhangerrr)


Niall's POV

Days kept lessening and so were the hours. I didn't have much time until I decided to tell Frank about the deal. Tomorrow was the deadline. Tomorrow would be the last day I would've even see her. The last day of my worries. I knew what type of man Frank is. He would kill any guy that rejects him. And I would be the one.

This would be one reason I couldn't be hers. And she can't be mine. She should never be. I can't let her enter a dangerous position. A position where I am right now.

I sat on my couch sighing feeling nervous. After she and Harry left the only thing I could ever think of was this. What will I do?

As I almost got up for some food (as usual) my phone rings stopping me midway.

I jogged over where it is and checked the unknown number. I answered it anyways hoping it would be someone I know. Like my dad or something.

Or maybe not.

"Niall Horan speaking" I said formally thinking it might be some officer or something. Manners are the first, no judge.

"It's Frank, Frank Woodstern, if you remembered" he chuckled a little on the other line while my whole body froze. The blood all came rushing to my head making everything seems blur.

"Y-yes, I do remember" I stuttered. Man, why am I stuttering? It will be obvious.

"I'm sorry to say this but... I will still give you the money and about the girl, it's off" he sighed and my eyes widen. Off?! How!? I didn't say anything about it!

"How so?" I kept my cool and maintained my formal tone.

"For more questions, you can see a dark blue car outside" he hung up after that and I grip onto my phone tightly furious about how he can turn it off. I don't need his money. I don't need to be in his stupid games. I just need to protect her.

I rush downstairs only to see what he said. It parked there like in a rush seeing the tires turned and not straight.

I knock on the dark window which it scrolled down smoothly. His face soon come to view and I mentally spit at him at how annoyed I am. That shameless expression is planted and If only there's nothing I'm hiding, I would rip it off.

"Why is it off?"

"You were very quick, that just encourages me" he smiles but I could tell he's enjoying my frustration more than whatever he did to make it go off.

"Just fucking tell me"

"Do you have that notepad I gave you?"

"Uh...yes" I pull it out seeing that the papers were already crunched up a little.

"Now write this down"


Please don't say it. Please don't say it.

"Niall James Horan, close company"



Damn. Aaannnddd I am going to delete the third chapter of Found me cuz I don't quiet like it and it's short and boring. I wanted to make it long, well written so hope you understand. XD



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