Twenty One | Dont touch him

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Knives. Something she has never wished to see. Or even wanted to hold. Her hands that was once held by Niall's were now covered with blood, clouding over the pure and innocence. She begged for a change. For a time travelling machine. So she could go back and stop this mess. Erase this from her memory and never have the knowledge about her brother. Or, brothers.

But it would be bad to not know though. She would find out the truth eventually because, truth are never kept undiscovered. It'll stay there for years, decades, or as people might even think, forever. But it will be found out. It will be known. And the secret is laying right beneath her nose but somehow it felt so far away. So close, but so far away.

The table held a knife on it, and without any movement, she was uncontrollably heading towards it, lips pressed tightly into a thin line, heart drumming through her chest, clenched fists now wide opened to capture the weapon. Feeling so sick in her body, she falls on her knee and heard a small chuckle behind her head.

Pins stabbed at every place her body was exposed, her skin now being her enemy with each pain coming every second. She clenched her fists tight and her jaw pressed hard she thought she would break it, her heart feeling as though it will drop and never revive.

"You'll never be able to get the truth. And even if you do, it'll slice you up in pieces, tear you apart like this knife. You'll feel the need to find out, but once it's revealed, it'll stab you so hard" her mother, or no, was now fading away, leaving her alone to face the truth.

"No, no please come back! Mom please, I'm sorry for whatever I've done, just please hel-"

"Caythe snap out of it!" She blinked twice, looking around her surroundings. Its not fake. This whole thing is real.

"What... mom?" She frowned as her mother sighed deeply of frustration.

"Listen you, im not here to see you drifting away into sleep. So get your ass up" she walked away and Caythe's eyes widen as she noticed that the rope around her was now released from her, leaving red lines on her skin. She cringe from the sight but followed along, trying hard to find way and no crash into things through the dark. The silence was so strong she could hear the footsteps of rats crawling and munching on small things. Breaths could be heard from other rooms and it scared her more than she needed.

"...Niall please" she whispered. No response of him of course and it hurts a lot, Harry's not even there and facing it all alone with no one to convince her that things will be alright must be the worst feeling to ever entered her mind of emotions.

"Its either you're too stupid or just naive but he's not here. Try saving yourself instead of hoping someone to come and save you" she snaps. Caythe tried hard to ignore her and trailed along, wondering where she's supposed to go.

"We're here" she pretends to clear it up and smile.

Although it was fake, Caythe had this astonishing happiness stumbling in her, because seeing her mother smile after years of not meeting her, it was very foreign yet amazing. She missed her mother more than her father did, more than Harry did. She couldn't believe her father had the nerve to chase her away, making them live without a mother. With a single parent.

They walked inside a room, full of speakers and microphone, large screen computers and TVs. There were only two people inside but she knew there were more. Her eyes were watching every small movement in the dull room, from the cracks of the upper corner wall, till the dusts resting on the floor. The garbage can was filled with crushed papers and beer cans, with spilled water becoming sticky on the tile. The smell wasn't pleasant but she had to stick around if she didn't want any more glaring and threats from her mother.

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