Twenty Eight | Settled

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Caythe's POV

I met dad three days ago at the funeral.

He wasn't too keen in coming anyways but I could tell it was hard for him to see us again in the worst way possible. The first thing I did was to drift my eyes towards his fingers, and to my expectation, he was still a single man. Bet all those ladies weren't like mom.

"Dad, can I talk to you?" I called him when everyone left, also Harry who already got in the car. The whole time he would lean to me and tell me how much he hates being around my dad and I understood him, but we both knew that our heart still loves him dearly. Even when I'm not related to him or anyone I wanted to be with.

He didn't say anything but nod once, following me to a much empty area.

"Things aren't what you expect, dad" I quickly said, my heart beating fast without giving my blood a chance to flow slowly and my palms suddenly felt sweat despite the slight breeze. He seemed nervous too from my expression and I didn't blame him at all.

"Mom... she wasn't at fault. She had nothing to do with cheating, there was no reason for you to kick her out an-"

"Stop there, we all know that she, in fact, is at fault and there is a reason to kick her out. Don't deny it now that she's gone" he frowned now and I sighed, feeling a little frustrated but I kept my cool.

"No, you're wrong"I couldn't continue. I couldn't at all. The tears and how my lungs were suffocating had me suffering to even speak. The image of her calling for help and keeping it a secret just so I could stay warm in her womb although it means for her family to be gone was keeping my heart breaking, the pulse endlessly beating but I knew soon it would just be tired and stop. Making me avoid these things.

My shaky hands slowly pulled the crumpled note, that once drowned in tears, and gave it to him. He seemed hesitant and so was I but the world doesn't need to think that my mother did it on her own. Her life didn't have choices and when she said the I love you at the last moment, I knew. I knew her life was fucked up so bad and people thought that she made it that way. Choices were never her thing.

I watch him read. His eyes filling up with regret and all sorts of feelings. I wanted to hit him hard, scream in his face for doing the shits he had done.

But not happening sooner since I saw through my blurred eyes, dad walked slowly and wrapped his arms around me, which I hated him to do that. The comfort he gave me only made me cry harder because everything was worse. They still didn't find Frank and I knew Niall was trying harder than all of the police.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm sorry I didn't give your mom a chance. I'm sorry for acting as if I'm not at fault too. I'm sorry for everything. I still love you Caythe, and Harry, and your mom. She still is my wife and I never recovered from letting her go. It wasn't hard just for you but for me too. I pretended to be okay, being with all other woman but deep inside me it was not controlling easily. I don't deserve to be your father yet you're here and I've never been so relieved" he says as he kissed on my head, his face resting onto my messed hair.

"You don't have to forgive me" he added before letting me go, wiping my tears away and looking behind my shoulders.

"Niall's here" he says and patting him on the back, walking to his car which was parked few away from Harry's.

I smiled and Niall returned it, holding me by the shoulders. I was actually glad that he stayed here even when he and Harry was on the edge of giving up. Maybe I had a thought that eventually he would leave, tired from this stupid happenings.

"You okay?" he asked and I missed his voice because we didn't talk for days only for the fact that he's busy with the searching and all. I told him to just be a detective, or an investigator but he said that he rather just do it freestyle and be with me. I found that thoughtful and sweet but sometimes I'd just convince him again.

"You know the answer" I said, turning back for a while to see that Harry's on the phone with someone, laughing and that my dad had already left.

"I know I've said this before but I really think you need a long drive. With just me and we would drive on the empty highways, listening to calm down to earth songs with our hands linked tight through the whole journey. You need that heart to stay normal again" he pointed slightly on my chest and I smiled sheepishly, knowing that he's trying hard to be the guy I want.

"My heart promises" I smiled.

"Is that a yes?" he jumps, bouncing on his feet.

"You know the answer!" I repeated, running away from him and into the bright trees, ignoring that few hours ago we just had my mom's funeral. Few hours ago Niall told me to be his girlfriend and that few minutes ago I told dad the real truth. Now I needed it to be me and him, and that nothing could change that.

"You're not too fast" he crept up, bringing my back to be pressed against his chest. His head rests on my shoulder and brings his face to hide in my neck, his arms completely covering me chest and I lean into him.

He smiled into it and my cheeks, holding me closer. I could tell that Harry left and he's probably smiling from my happiness. He's probably relaxed from all of these and now that I'm at my steady state. There is some parts of me that isn't recovered from my mom's death but the joy I felt from Niall was much stronger than that and I knew mom would be more happier than me weeping and crying from her lost soul. This was all okay. It did feel okay.

"Let's go" he said and I nodded.

My beautiful family,

I have sinned against you all, or so you thought. I never got the chance to explain because the truth got out faster than I wanted it too. Well, not like I could tell you even before that.

But I never had the intention to do anything behind your backs. I didn't know that I would be forced on either. Frank left me no choice because I was just heading to a friend's house and the whole point of going out twisted. But I couldn't blame anything, I got you, Caythe, my most treasured daughter. You didn't pick up any of Frank's side and I couldn't ask for more. I still love you.

Jack, just know that I will forever love you. Even if you had a secret affair with someone, even if you made me feel so shitty and insecure. You brought in Harry, your child and I would accept him in even if he's not mine. Because that's how much I love you.

And if you three are reading this, then it means I'm still on the run or, maybe something happened to me. Something terrible. Horrifying. But you'll be in my heart, so will I. Harry, get yourself someone please. I can't stand seeing you alone and roaming around with nobody. Caythe, do whatever it takes to keep Niall. He's a good guy despite all know.

Jack, marry someone else, please. I'm not able to die smiling if you stay alone because of me. I don't care anymore. Your delight and happiness is what I'm aiming for. Even if I'm not here anymore.

Your fucked up mother.



Okay sequel will be there and there are some things which aren't finished. Who killed Liz, where did Frank disappear too? There are few more to happen but I'm just going to end Mixed Connection here so... thank you for reading this at-the-beginning-it-was-crappy-af book because I realized that I moved things too fast in the front. I hated that so don't point it out. It still gets on my nerves of how bad of a writer I was. Not that I am that good now but I learn as I grow bigger. Then again, whoever is and will read this, thank you :)

Especially to my favorite bestie who has been with me, I love you.


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