Twenty Four | Wrong Destination

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(AN-If there is some random name of something just know that I made them up. I'm too lazy to search things lol)


Harry knew that Niall was tired enough for him to snore. He was leaning against the window helplessly, hands fell down on his sides with his mouth wide open. He could only laugh at the sight, but slightly hoping that no drool should be caused.

He took the time to close Niall's mouth, making him to mutter inaudible words. He smiled and saw the GPS showing that they were close to the destination.

He felt excited but nervous, knowing that there will be some consequences will appear. However it wasn't much of a bother when more bigger things were in his mind.

"Niall, Niall wake up" he whispered, shaking him a little.

"What" he dragged the a quite long, making Harry to slap his cheek. It turned red and he jumped, eyes widen and dark bags under his eyes.

"What the fuck Harry" he frowned, rubbing his flushed cheek.

"We're near" was the only thing he said before parking next to an old warehouse, all torn and fallen to bits. He swallowed down what felt like 2 tonne of water, seeing as Niall didn't have any expression.

"Come on" he almost got out but was stopped.

"No Harry, don't. Th-this isn't the place" he said.

"What? No. No no no you're lying. You're just scared, this is the place. What are you talking about?" He sneered but again didnt get out of the car.

"Niall, let go, you think i drove all the way here for nothing?!" Niall reached over and locked the doors, making sure to open small gap of the window and taking out the car keys. He sat back and sighed, shutting his eyes slowly.

"Well that's the thing Harry. They want us to drive all the way here so we can get distracted. I never realized it until now. Harry this is a trap. You don't know what's in there waiting for us. Frank is probably smirking down at us for falling smoothly into this. And we would never find Caythe like this. Just please snap out of it" he said, eyes pleading for Harry to change his mind.

But he didnt.

"No. You're the only one thinking of it that way" he said before grabbing the car keys away from Niall's loose grip, starting the engine and unlocking the doors. He got out roughly, slamming it harsh and stomped outside. He walked towards the large wooden door that looks like it was about to fall under a very light touch.

He was about to push the door open until in the blink of an eye, he fell down on his knees with his eyes shut tight after a loud bang. He groaned very hard in pain and Niall rushed out, running fast although they were close.

"Oh shit Harry!" He knelt down and checked where he was shot, seeing that his left arm were. Harry was shutting his eyes very tightly, cursing all the words that could appear in his head, shaking slightly.

Niall ran to his car and brought out an extra shirt he had bought recently but never got to wear, and Harry shook his head rejecting the choice of cloth.

"Not this" he breathe out but Niall was already wrapping it around his bleeding arm, smiling sadly.

"I don't care" he said. Harry was already getting his breathing normal again, following Niall slowly back to the backseat.

"Sit there, I'll bring you to the hospital for a small checkup. We have to be quick before the bullet digs in deep" he rushed and just when Harry opened his mouth, he frowned and brought his finger up to his lips, stopping him. "And don't argue with me".

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now