Eight | Plan

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Niall's POV

Three days earlier

"I need you, to kidnap, Caythe Michelle Styles".

I froze. More likely, felt numb. My mind was covered with questions and the sentence repeats all over again. I couldn't find the right words to reply. Is he testing me? Or does he really want to kidnap her? The girl I happened to keep breaking? The Caythe who I made cry after years? Is this some game I am included in?

'Did he say Caythe?' the only question I could only ask myself. Does he know, that I had a relation with Caythe? Does he know, that she is the sister of my friend?

My heart started thumping quickly, beating as if it will come out of my chest any minute. My eyes started searching everywhere other than facing him. I couldn't let him know. He would probably get me killed, which result in killing Caythe too. I couldn't let that happen.
I nod firmly and look into his scary eyes to not show him any possibilities. I gulp down which felt like a huge lump in my throat before speaking up.

"May I get a few basic information about this Caythe person?" I ask with a serious face. he stared at me before digging inside his blazer pocket.

"Of course Horan" he nod back and pulled out a notepad accompanied with a black ball pen.

He handed me the notepad and I grabbed it with a slight frown etched on my face. He leaned back on the hard chair while I sat there all tense and stiff.

"Write it down while I tell you" he demanded. I kept quiet and let him continue begging to myself to not show any weakness. Because he is about to tell me her background. Even if it is just basic stuff.

"Name, Caythe Michelle Styles" he started.

Yeah, no shit.

Shut up, it's not the time.

I will rip his head bald.

"Age, nineteen. Born, May 23 1995" he continued. I gulp down and took a deep breathe hoping he wouldn't realize it.

"Parents, Jackson Styles and Fiona Styles. Affairs," I held in a breathe at this one. I would know if he knows mine and Caythe relation.

"Liz Beremth, friend. Harry Styles, brother. So far we've been tracking down the people near her. Here's the address" he handed me another small with a dirty handwriting which had her and Harry's address written.

Gee, he could just tell me..

I breathe out a sigh of relieve glad he didn't mention my name. But... of course he wouldn't mention my name right in front... no. He won't know.

"And, deadline, two weeks starting from t'day" he stand up wiping off the tiny dusts on his suit and gave me a small smile which faded soon.

"I will think about sir" I said all stiff. He nodded and walk over pulling out his wrinkled hand.

"Nice to meet you Horan"

"Nice to meet you too Woodstern" I replied by shaking his hand. He let go and walked all stiff towards the door. He gave me a glance and smirked before opening the metal door and shutting it behind him. I waited for a few seconds before crouching down and groan loud enough for Liam to hear as he enters the room.

"What's going on mate? Did he punch you?" he crouches down too to meet my eye level. I can't tell him about the mission Frank gave me. I can't trust him as he is quiet close with Zayn and Louis. They have...dangerous connections.

"No, he didn't. Just tired knowing I'd have to do these mission again. S'all" I stood up sighing and walked past Liam.

"It's her isn't it?" he said not even turning to face me. I froze again. He knew. Fuck, he knows about it.

"W-who her?" I didn't turn to face him even if I heard him shuffling his position. The table creaked a little which meant he is leaning against it or sitting on it.

"You know who. Niall, we have been friends since 17, you can't lie to me man"

"Yes I can! Now you shut the fuck up because you know nothing" I turned and blew out the words giving him a glare. He shouldn't know anything about Caythe. He can't, he won't, he musn't.

"Ok, I'm going out. I don't know who the fuck is this girl, but hope you get it done" he walked past me but stopped again. "Don't worry Niall, no one will know about this" was the last thing he said before shutting the door behind. Silence took over the room and I sigh kicking small stones that is present in this room. I wondered whether they ever clean this room since its tiles are full of dust and stones with walls cracked.

I shake my head and opened the door thinking of only one thing; Keep Caythe safe for Harry.


I decided to ring Harry and meet up with him before disappearing for a while. He didn't reply in the first call but answered the second time.

"Hey mate" he said while panting. I heard some metals hitting and I could tell he is working at the car repair shop.

"Harold, need you t'do me a favour" I said in a rush. he stopped fixing and kept quiet for a while.

"What's wrong? You don't sound too good"

"Well, yeah just fucking listen to me" I snapped.

"Woah, ok. What is it?"

"I am going to be gone for at least... three days. And I need you to delete any log history if I call you ok? If Caythe ask you where I am, just... lie to her. Tell her that you also find it weird that I am missing and keep up the act for a solid three days ok?"

There is silence for a few seconds until he replied.

"What's the issue?"

Shit, should I tell? He would flip out.

"Harry, just do it" I breathe out.

"No fooking away. Not over my dead body would I do it until you tell me what happened"

I shut my eyes before telling him.

"A man, named Frank Woodstern ordered me to kidnap your sister"

There is silence again until I heard him move.

"Fuck, don't you know him?" I frowned and tried to recognize him but nothing came.

"He is wanted Niall, a murderer. Don't you see posters of it everywhere? It's his specialty" I shut my mouth for a while trying to take it all in. How could he be a murderer? Out of all the things that old man could do, it has to be something related to death.

"Oh" was the only thing that I could possibly blurt out.

"Does he know? That you are in touch with her?"

"No, he doesn't look like he does" I replied.

"Ok, I will do it Niall. But what are you going to do in these three days?"

"Look closelyon his moves" I said before hanging up.

It had to be done. I can't let him touch her and my only friend.

Not even over my dead body.


OK! Sorry for a late update. Had been busy for a while. Anyways, Found me will be updated today! It's a Harry fanfic so I would love it If you check it out.

And update timings of this story is- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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