Two | Car repair

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I laughed watching the way she stomps away to her room. If people ask me how I feel about this, I don't feel bad at all. By her tone of voice and harsh words. I never did. But it's not like I care anyways. Caythe's probably crying her eyes out, which she hadn't done for a while and it made me feel higher than her.

Harry had told me the first time I saw her. That she cried only the time when their parents were separated. Now seeing her crying because I was the affect feels more satisfying.

But it is unusual at the same time. She never did cry when I spoke to her like that. Caythe never took it to heart ever since we met. Caythe when she was being her 13 year old and me being my 14 year old. She was being funny, I being rude. Well, at least I thought she was funny. Like at that time when she spread her tiny arms to shake hands with a boy like me. All I could do is shake my head whenever I think about it. Because she seemed so naïve and inexperienced.

"I'm making sandwich" Harry announced snapping me away from my thoughts of Caythe. I nod slightly which luckily Harry noticed. I look back at my phone and gone back to texting our gang leader, Louis.

He wanted me to go with him to the club just so he can get woman attention. That's the only reason why he brought me and Harry to this group. It started in high school when we were at the party and girls kept coming to me which caught Louis' eyes. The next day he told me and Harry that they wanted me to join and that I could make money out of it. So of course I accepted. But after a few years I realized it was only for attention. I was pissed but it's not like I could just leave.

But other than all of that the boys are cool to hang out with. We wrote a song together but don't even know when to play it. They like to chill out even if police officers are around. But the only thing which I hate is when they use me and Harry for girls. I absolutely hate that.

"Mind if put ham?!"Harry shouted from the kitchen.

"No" I replied before throwing myself on the couch and hear it creak a little. It has been here even before they moved in this house and when I first came, all I thought of was, 'Don't they throw this crappy thing away?'. But now I understood exactly why. It's comfy and makes you directly fall asleep into it despite the torn fabric on the arm rest. But I didn't mind of course. I have lived far worse than this. My parents are I don't know where the hell they are and Greg is still living on debts. He got a job as a bartender and I at a car repair. That's how I met Harry.


"Niall, kid, get the screwdriver in that yellow box will ya?" Mr.Lamton said wiping his sweat by the towel wrapped around his neck. He'd been fixing that car for two days and no luck. I rolled my eyes and grab his desire dtool.

"Oh and buy some water" He ordered before throwing money on the ground. It landed beside my feet and I picked it up with a groan. Thankfully, he didn't realize I made that sound or else, I'll be kicked in the arse.

I ignored the dirt from the money and stepped outside breathing in the fresh air of London.

Walking towards a grocery shop, I noticed that only two people were inside. One was the cashier and another was a curly headed boy, probably around my age, begging him for something. I walked in and went straight to the beverage area. I grabbed two water bottles and headed to the counter. The boy apparently seemed to still be there.

"Please.. just...just a job. I need to work here" he begged. He looked desperate mostly. He must've needed money to support his younger sibling or something. Maybe because he left or ran away from home?

An Idea seemed to pop in my head. I remembered that Mr.Lamton said he needed extra workers because only me and him work there.

"Does it have to be here?" I asked grabbing his attention.

"W-what? No! No it doesn't! Why?"He asked. I saw the need in his green eyes and I thought I was going to make a great decision.

"Yeah. I could work with me"I offered. He smiled happily and nodded. Wasting no time, I placed the bottle on the counter and gave him the money. He gave me back the change and I thanked him before stepping outside with the curly haired boy following me from behind.

"So what is your name?" I asked. He snapped his head looking at me.

"Harry. Harry Styles," he replied. I nodded and hand him one water bottle which was supposed to be for me but I don't mind. I could buy it anytime.

"I'm Niall," I said.

"You're Irish?" he asked. I don't care anymore because people asked me this question every time I talked to them.


"What's an Irish lad doing here in London?" he asked.

"My parents moved here but then got separated. I'm living with my brother," I replied. He nodded and we continued our conversation not realizing that we reached the shop.

I took a deep breath before walking in hesitantly. He didn't notice me because he was still working on the god damn car which I happened to be annoyed of. I cleared my throat loud enough but he still didn't hear me. "Mr.Lamton?"

He stood straight and finally saw me. "Ah yes. Did you...."

"Oh right. Harry wanted to work here" I announced.

"Oh! Yes! An extra worker would be great! Please start cleaning that car over there and don't worry about the payment" he ordered before walking over to me. "I'm so happy kid. Really glad". He pinched my cheeks leaving coal on it. I wiped it away but knew it wouldn't come out so i left it.

Harry nodded happily and ran to the car that he was ordered to clean. He picked up a dirty cloth from the red bucket beside him which I bet used to be Mr.Lamtom's one. Because it looked wrinkled, big and old.

And every day went on the same process and we both told each other more about our past. Harry apparently has a younger sister who was one year younger. He left home with his father's permission which got them where they are right now. We both hung out like normal friends playing football abd working at the shop. Always returning home with sweat dripping from our foreheads.

But I always felt that Harry and I somehow got a secret we both don't even know.

Walking with tired legs, I stumbled to the kitchen, revealing 3 sandwiches on the table and one of them separately which I knew was for me. I smirked at what Harry has done before sitting down.

"Lou is at it again," I said. Harry knew too what I was referring to as he turned over to look at me.

"Oh he's probably gonna call me now," he muttered and coincidence or not, his phone rang making me jump.

"It's him," I said.

"I told ya," he wiped his hands on his shirt before grabbing the phone from me. While he talked, I continued crunching the wonderful sandwich. Damn, he needs to open a shop soon.

After finishing it, Harry came back placing his phone back on the table beside my plate.

"I told him to take Zayn, he's the main attention," Harry said with a satisfied look on his face. I nodded before heading to the bathroom. Since it was beside Caythe's room, I had to pass it.

But then, I heard slight snores in there. Making me unconsciously smile.

. . .

Ok sooo this chapter is a bit boring or its not but whatever it will get better later on!


Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now