Seventeen | Trust

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Caythe's POV

The moment I saw Niall at the staircase, all the words that I read in the car somehow haunts me in anyway. It just brings back the thoughts I once let slide, flows again into my messed up head. All the thinking about Niall related to me... isn't what I had ever expected.

My phone vibrated for like the thirteenth times, without me answering it. Although I know it's either Harry or Niall. Because they are actually the only people who cares if I died or not.

I finally opened my eyes, feeling the bloodshot in it. My hand lazily grabbed the phone from the night stand on the left, swiping the answer button without even checking who in the world is dialing.

"Caythe where the fuck have you been?!" I quickly put the phone away from my ears, wincing at his loud voice.

"Uh... home?" I said in a duh tone. How can he possibly be that dumb?

"Did you go somewhere else before home?" he asked.

"Yeah, gone to get a gum since you never buy one" I replied feeling my eyes drooping any second.

"Did anything happen to you?" he asked once more. I sit up on my bed, remembering the paper I had read from Robert's car. The words that had given me no life and hope. The words that I had lost all the feelings I once had for Niall. But not completely. The words that made my head and actions shut everything out.

"No" I said before hanging up and powering off my phone. I don't need anyone right now. I don't-

Fuck it.

I flew up from my bed, taking the car and house keys from my study table. I ran out to the tiny living room, but stopped as the door knob twisted.

"W-who's there?" I frowned.

"Caythe? It's me, Liz!" she shouts. I let out a relief sigh, thank god it isn't some robbery or something.

The objects I held was placed on the kitchen counter, with my legs walking at a quick pace towards the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I sighed. As I reached, my hands touched the cold metal knb, twisting it to open the door. I was revealed with Liz standing only in her cotton shorts that reached up to her knee and her short sleeved teddy patterned shirt. God isn't she cold?

"Hey come on" I opened the door wider, ignoring the chilly wind that is hitting me.

"Thanks" she enters inside, and I shut the door gently.

"What brings you by?" I asked as she sits down.

"Nothing, just wanted to know something. And before that, mind if I make tea to warm myself up?" she said. I nodded and walked towards the kitchen but stopped when she called out again.

"I said if I can do it for the both of us. You know, just wanted to at least do something" she smiles.

"Um... okay. It's in the cupboard up at the left corner" I said.

She didn't reply but stood up and walk past me. Is it just me or no that she's acting strange today?

My phone again annoyingly vibrated causing me to roll my eyes. I reached out and saw it was a text from... Niall.


Please reply to my calls. I need to know if you're safe

To Niall-

I'm okay


Thank god, did anything happen to you?

To Niall-

Yes, something very bad


Shit what is it?

To Niall-

You, my brother


What? I don't understand

To Niall-

There's no point in understanding.

I shut my phone after that, feeling the tears rushing to my eyes but I held it back. I just need space from him. That's it.

"You okay?" Liz asks as she placed the two mugs down on the coffee table.

"I'm fine" god why is everyone asking about me...

"Liz, what would you do if the person you least expect is related to you in some way?" I ask. I mean, she doesn't have to know about Niall.

"Well, I would...drink tea first to relax myself" she smiles and hands me the cup.

"Right" I laughed. I took it from her, appreciating her presence.

"So, what was the question again?" she asks as I sipped of my green tea.

"What would you do if the person you least expect is actually related to you?" I repeated.

"Well, it would be hard but...I'll keep it aside" she said with no emotion. I frowned and watch her carefully as my sight blurred, the room spinning as I try to place my mug down, but fail as I heard shattering.

The only thing I see is Liz smiling and leaning forward.

"One thing you could've done; Don't trust anyone"

Before my light is replaced by darkness, my breathing became nothing and my body being dragged. I can't do anything about it, it's leaving me useless in here.

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