Twenty Five | Fallen away

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She controlled herself for the past hours. She felt as if days had passed, more wasted tears and ears pressed against the stained hard walls each minute to check up on what her mom was up to, but she couldn't find a way.

She wanted to run away but if then, Niall and Harry would be trapped and still be in danger, only for her to be the selfish part in this. Caythe wasn't the one to just give up, she wasn't the one to always cry or the one who was weak, but again, that Caythe was gone. Soon after her mother wasn't her mother anymore.

"How many hours left?" she heard her mother called. She immediately stood up, placing both of her palms onto the wall and her ears pressed again. She was sure that her ears now had slight scratches and is bruised by the number of times she tightly press it on the wall but that was her least her problems when clearly both of the most important people in her life is in danger.

"Half an hour to 4:30 ma'am" another guy spoke.

"Getting impatient here aren't we?" she could tell that that was Frank from his heavy footsteps and scent. He had a very strong smell of wood that is being burnt and somehow she knew he came back from doing something dangerous.

"Maybe I just want to get rid of all of this, then it'll be just the two of us. Alone and then there's space. I can make Liz as my daughter too, but without Caythe in it of course. How's that?" her mother chuckled and Caythe backed away from the wall, feeling her heart beating fast.

Is she planning to kill me?

Along with Niall and Harry?

Just so she can live with 'him' and another daughter who isn't even hers?

She could feel her mind leaving her thick skull, getting lost far and fallen away from her. She could tell this was over. That there's nothing she can do to stop her mother. All she did was wait and see what the real plan was as she tries to believe that there's more to what she thinks. Hearing what happens beside the wall doesn't help, but looking to what happens on the other side of countless walls may do.

And so she waits.

"Ma'am?" She calls out.

"What do you want?"

"I, uh, I ran out of water" her body straightens up, her voice loud and clear because if there was a moment to be strong in, it's one of these.

Her mother didn't reply and she thought it would fail, but soon footsteps of heels are heard and her eyes became wide.

"Okay, okay" her whispers for the first time didn't echoe in the room, it doesn't bump between the walls that comes back to her. It's absorbed by it, by the hard brick, by her mind that accepts the fact that it'll be okay.

The door unlocks heavily, it's metal creaking causing her to wince.

"Take it" she throws three bottles onto her bed and before she could go, Caythe needs this.

"Can I ask you for one more thing?" She breaks.

"You ask for a lot, don't you?"

"I know you don't like the idea of me as your daughter, or basically my...entire existence," her eyes soften," but I want to hug you. least hug you before you do anything to me, or to Harry or Niall. I just want that. There's nothing more I can ask for and I know it's impossible bu-"

"Caythe, why do you blabber all the time?" She frowns but slowly walks closer, her palms getting sweaty and she shuts her eyes before opening them. Seeing her daughter right in the face this time makes something move and shift in her chest, something like her nerves to tingle and she got it again. Like the time when she gave birth to her. Like the time when Caythe used to say she is so pretty. Like the time when her husband kissed her so happily when he thought they finally had a baby together.

She can't stop now. She can't let it go now that it's too late.

Her arms calmly pulls Caythe towards her and wraps it around. She can feel her lips shivering and shaking and her nose getting warm as her tears silently fall. Knowing that your daughter believes your hatred hurts. But it would soon be over. It will.

Caythe is crying too. She knows because her shoulder is getting wet and she won't wipe it away. Instead she makes her body feel stiff and hollow.

That's one way to make her act keep going on.

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