Twenty | Donuts

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Caythe stared at her mother smirking, her brain not working out like she hoped to before she was kidnapped. The words that left her smirk was a poison to her life, although she wasnt sure why. Because Frank, he, his name was very familiar yet unknown to her. She couldnt figure how the fuck did her mother captured her, and at the same time, pushed her away. It blurred it all.

But she knew one thing. She played an important part in this puzzle. She could make these all go away. This stupid game her mother is playing to be over. But knowing about the fact that Niall was her half brother killed every aspect she had. It killed her solutions and the useful thoughts that becomes useless.

"About time" a hoarse voice flowed through the waves of sound, entering her mind with dirt and disgust. The clicking of shoes hit the floor, the sound louder and louder and soon, he came out of the shadows. It all came back to her then, the gun, her mother, the guy and her being on a chair in some dull gray room.

Her mother walked behind her, towards the man who she knew the name was Frank. She chuckled and slid her arm into his back, resting her head onto his broad shoulder. She hopes to not see them because if she did, she'll have to spit to them, sending pure anguish and hatred.

"Mom I don't get it. Why I'm here and why you're there and who this man is-"

"Baby you ask way too much questions. Maybe leaving you three wasn't a bad decision after all. Not like I ever regret, did I Frank?" she smirked at the confusion her daughter, or Caythe held, her head no longer feeling or remembering the memories that was burnt into ashes, "but this man right here, he's not just a man, he's my, how do I say this? My life?"

"I thought Dad was.."

"Don't mention a word about that fucker!" she snapped, now letting go of Frank and walking roughly towards Caythe. She flinched at the sudden move, finally building up the fear that her mother long for, the anger filling up every inch and shape of her pupils and lens, darkening each brightness of her green eyes and the devilish smile she has will be enough to break her, "that guy is supposed to be irrelevant to me now so if you hope to bring him up and change my fucking mind, stop it. I'm done with his stupid shits"

Even though her mother had completely changed, nothing of her appearance did. She stares at her long lashes, curled up naturally and stood high and mighty on her eyes like a decoration, completing it like it's the only thing an eye ever needed. Her high cheeks rose delicately whenever she smiles, a rarity art work she had coincidently followed, and her lips were chapped since she always forgot to put on some lip balm.

She remembers those nights during dinner when she sits across her mother, her father coming home late and Harry sleeping upstairs. She'll compliment her mother however she can, in the best way and in the sweetest words. "I wish I can have your eyes, they're so beautiful. And your whole face too" she'd say. "Yours are too honey" her mother would say. And she'll giggle with full of butterflies flying everywhere inside of her, her hand pulling out across so she could grab her mother's.

And now it's been years and she wondered how she had lived without it for so long.

"Mom please dont be this way, I'll listen. I'll listen to whatever you say and I promise I'll believe you" she quietly said.

"What do you know?" her mother now calmed, standing straight but not without turning to smile at the guy.

It felt so hard and it burned for her to say it out loud, she wishes she could bring and show the paper but she left it so Harry could see. So they could see. Not like she meant it anyways, Liz didn't give her any choice.

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