Seven | Disappointment

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Caythe's POV

It has been three days since I saw Niall.

He hadn't call or came by anymore. Not even a letter to show where he had been. He isn't at his apartment just like Harry said, he disappeared. Even Harry found it weird by how he went off. I felt like it was something dangerous. Was he in danger? Or is it someone else? I doubt he is in danger as he could defend himself like a shield. But could it be someone? But who? His brother? What is he facing right now that he disappeared for three whole days? What could he ever do to be off?

Was I too harsh on him? No, I wasn't, I'm pretty sure he'll proudly take the crown for that.

"Caythe, I am going out for work. You sure you are going to be fine?" Harry asked drinking his coffee. He had been really supportive lately. Rarely going out with friends or maybe because Niall isn't here? No, he does has a lot of mates to hang out with. Money issues? No that couldn't be it. Our dad sent us enough to survive and plus, Harry has work. He goes out mostly for grocery and work. Jesus, why is everyone being weird?

"Yeah, I told you, I am nineteen. I can handle myself" I waved him off. I heard him putting his mug in the sink and came to the living room where I was. I woke up early again by the sound of Harry asking or shouting about where his socks were. I guess he must have forgotten that he threw it behind the television last night for some reason he wouldn't tell me.

I heard him coming to me and kissed my forehead gently before messing up my hair.

"Go shower, cow head" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and sank down on the couch making it creak. I shut my eyes and thought about it. Where does Niall usually go to? Where is his and Harry's hideout? What does he do? I mean, what could a Uni drop out do? He works with Harry at a car repair shop. But if he is there, Harry would have told me. Then it dawned to me again. My nightmare. The dream where I saw my mom with some random guy. It seemed like I was missing a lot of puzzles pieces. My mom, Niall, Harry and that random dude. He looked like someone I am supposed to know. And he looked like he has something going on with my mom. The way she acted with him seemed stiff and like she was forcing herself to do it.

I opened my eyes again and stand up heading to the bathroom. I smiled suddenly at thought of Harry calling me cow head and how embarrassing it is for him to kiss my smelly head.

I entered the shower and let the warm water flow. It warm away the coldness of my body and made me think about it again. Niall. Did he run away? Because of what happened? I highly doubt that he is the type to run away after a short argument with a girl. There is a huge piece behind all of this. And I need to know. But where do I start?

After a few minutes, I walk out and wrapped Harry's towel around me since mine was still in the washing machine. I tip toed outside and went to my room until I heard something in the living room. I froze and turned my head. Is... is it Niall? Could it be?

"H-hello? Harry?" I came out to the living room and saw a figure on the couch. at first i thought it was Niall, but then disappointment hit me when i see Liz sitting there.

"Liz!? Fuck, you scared the shit out of me" I sighed of relieve and she laughed before standing up fixing her glasses. Yeah, she does sound like a nerd, but she is the complete opposite to it. When I first started talking to her, all she brought up was biology. She started explaining about the veins and what was this, that and all I did was nod. But after a few conversations, she opened up and brought a different subject. She started by asking me what type of sunglasses I liked. Then we continued with all random shit.

"Sorry, your door wasn't locked. And I called for someone but it appears you were busy" she smiled. I laughed a little then realized what she meant. Shit, I'm still in my towel.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now