Twenty Six | Arrival to a departure

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For the last minute before arriving to the building, Harry was sure now that that was the place where his mother as well as Caythe was staying. He was bothered by the fact of meeting his mother after years and years, wondering how she'll be after the long spaces between them.

But to know that his mother is included into this mess wasn't helping and changed his hopes along with all the random smiles throughout the journey. He wanted to meet her in a different way, maybe bump onto her during a grocery shopping with Caythe, or not recognize her for a minute and just help her find where the destinations are then realize who she really is.

He never really expected this. Never and not even once did it enter his mind. It felt so bizarre to know that one second he was laughing along with Caythe about how she couldn't find matching socks then another second she disappeared and slipped right through his fingers clumsily. He hoped to make her catch onto the thick rings he wore, or for the butterfly tattoo on his chest to fly and save her from completely being out of hand, but it was all different. No one planned it to be this way and Harry didn't want it at all.

Niall however just kept quiet till they reached. No, he didn't even speak when they did. The building stationed in front of his very blue eyes was absolutely the opposite to what Harry quoted his mother. It didn't bring comfort, love, satisfaction or the feeling to run away from reality and stay here. It was the other way round. It made him feel to rather join the horrific parts of reality than to stay in this garbage.

The logo of the Hill View Apartment was shining brightly with neon lights and looked as if non sinners entered it. It seemed very common to the sight of a glance, but when you stare and watch people walk in and out of it, you would want to drive thousands of kilometers away. Just to get far.

Niall felt that way but it had to be the least of his problems at the moment. It must be at the bottom of the list of his worries. Although the only points on his long scroll of paper was Caythe, and the other point, Caythe, and the third point, His friend, and then there was this huge space which lead to his bottom worry; The building.

He just sighed and gathered up all the courage he had buried inside of his heart so he could company Harry without any selfish thoughts.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, I never thought this would happen but I'm thankful enough for you to stay and leave knowing she was kidnapped. I won't be hurt, maybe a bit, but just for you to leave and give up knowing there's no chance, I could've never asked for a better partner" Harry smiled sadly with the weakest spot in his eyes shining brighter than the scribble of his green colour adding life to his eyes. But there was no life but light fading slowly and just the worries and constant thinking clouding over the life he used to have.

"Hey, don't be that way. I'm here whenever you ask me for, whether it's three am in the morning or when I'm busy fucking someone, I'll be on each moment. And we will go through this. I know facing your mother this way is really, genuinely tough but I envy you enough to do this. I never knew how loving a sister or a brother truly felt as it never cross paths with me, Greg was never of a brother and you know that.

But you, Harry, just need to believe that I'm here because I'm your brother, half related or not but you are fully my brother, stamped onto my heart. It is not even a deal" he placed his hand tight on his chest above where his beating heart stays. Smiling proudly, Harry just returned it back and shake his head a little, muttering a few words.

"You're so cheesy, how many cheese have you eaten?" He muttered. Niall pretended to not hear that as they walk closer and closer to the darkness. It made him feel as if he was a victim of Ethan from the game Resident Evil 7, just walking through the house and trying to save Mia who however is Caythe. He tried to get the thoughts of zombies appearing as well as creepy ass monsters out of his head, and with the sound of people talking loud from upstairs made him know that no apocalypse happened.

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