Eighteen | Challenging

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Niall's POV

This poking of uncomfort has been damaging my mind. It leaves this uneasy touch of cringe sweats and glances around the room. My head felt like it is floating around, unsure of where to go. The complete ache has beaten me and soon I had enough.

I stood up, sighing of what happened last night. The way she ignores me and just slam the door would forever leave me speechless. It makes my heart rate beat at a quick pace, my footsteps going backwards till I'd reach a wall. A frown that is etched on my face felt as if it would be permanent. And that it is very strange.

She rarely does this from judging by the fact I see her for six years straight. I've known her habits, actions, gestures and body language by the way I observe through it. Although at that time I haven't figured out my feelings.

My phone started ringing, and I quickly grab it to see its Harry. Meanwhile, silently I felt disappointed that she didn't call.

"What do you want?" the first thing I ask as I answered.

"Bro, I don't know what you're mad at but there's two things I have to tell you" he said, with the seriousness floating around even though there's distance between us.

"Well, what is it?" I asked again not caring if my tone was harsh or not.

"Caythe texted me, saying that I shouldn't come home for a week. So I found that weird. I went over and saw her door slightly opened. I barged in, seeing just nothing. I called out her name but found nothing too except this, this paper" he said panting. Wait... she...she's missing?

"And what exactly is the paper?" I asked hoping it isn't some death message or something.

"Explanation about the two of us being half related" he said. My palms started to sweat, my phone slowly dripping. I could feel as if my eyes are about to pop out with my head shaking.

"Is this some sort of a prank?" I frowned.

"Mate, for all my life, why would I joke about us being brothers?"

"Because you want to try something new of course" I grit my teeth, giving a note to myself that if this is a lie, he wouldn't be living anymore.

"No. No it's not. You could come over here, read this fucking shit and figure out where the hell Caythe is" he said.

"Alright. Sorry" I hung up and grabbed my car keys along with my house ones. I ran out not bothering to send Greg a text about me not home. Not like he cares that much.



"Harry open up" I banged on the door, panting since I rushed upstairs because of the fact I am not used to running up.

The door opens revealing Harry with a sweaty forhead, hair sticking out everywhere as if he ran through it a million times. His shirt was inside out, like he didn't have time to wear it.

"Come in" he pulls me in stopping so I could take a seat on his couch.

"Here" he hands me the paper and I looked down hesitantly, unsure if really should read it. But I had to.

"It says 76%" I said.

"Yeah which means we're half related" he nods.

"It's fucked up. This is crazy" I shake my head throwing the paper down making it hit my leg lightly.

"I know. But I don't think that's important. Caythe is gone for damn's sake" he frowns with a sigh leaving.

"She did act weird, I guess this is the reason why but...I don't think some guy entered" he frowns.

"What do you mean? Tell me, detective" I rolled my eyes at that, looking around.

"She had a guest, obviously. Maybe there were two of them but there's only two cups on the table. One is hers, we all know she won't let anyone touch it. And another one has a...lipstick stain" I was right, it wasn't a guy.

"Hold on, you're saying a lady picked her up all the way downstairs?"

"No, that's not possible. She had someone help her dumb ass. He might've came in after she...holy shit. Isn't that wood?" My eyes drifted down to a wood under next to our feet, having something craved on it.

"Trust nobody, good luck. What does that mean?" He picks it up and later sighed of relief when he notices no blood.

Then it suddenly clicked. About the fact that Frank wanted to kidnap her. That he found some other guy after finding out I wasn't who he thinks I was. That he needed her for revenge.

"I think I know where she is" I said, pulling out the small paper which had written Frank's address before handing it over to Harry.

"I'm gonna let you win in every video game after this all ends mate" he smiles, patting my shoulder before standing up.

"You don't have to do that. It's more fun if it's challenging" I smiled back.





Haha only directioners know what I just said lln. Anyways, this is going to end soon. And that the following chapters will temporarily have a third person view since it would be easier for me to explain what tf is going on. So yeah.

Peace xx


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