Twenty Seven | Unsteady

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Caythe's POV

After the police arrived and with the ambulance surrounding us, Harry told me that apparently he had called them before he and Niall came here. I was still in my shaking self, still breathing through my mouth as my nose is blocked from the cold. I felt unbelievably thirsty, probably having a slight dehydration.

I mean, who would even care to drink when your own mother pretended to kill you by kidnapping you and then just die in the end? I couldn't, and I still won't.

They made me sit on the open back side of the ambulance as police officers questioned the neighbors as well passers. I stared at the two water bottles beside my thigh and blinked slowly, tired from this stupid tragic mess.

"You should drink, Caythe" I saw Niall walk towards me, sighing to see that I left the bottles untouched. I shake my head and tighten the blanket over my shoulders, or bare shoulders as I was only in my thin tank top. I moved a little so he could have space to sit beside me, which he did and I only rested my head on him.

"I don't feel like it" I muttered, making sure to keep voice quiet as my throat hurts as hell.

"I could tell you haven't drunk for a while, give mercy on your throat" he chuckled but we both knew that it meant nothing. There was no laughter or happiness here, our faces just down, glistening under the red and blue light above us.

I pressed myself against his arm and he immediately swing his hand to keep me balanced and warm. I smiled a little and just shut my eyes, hearing his heart beat calm and steady while I'm here with my heart beating erratically, the opposite to something serene, peaceful. I just needed him to stay here beside me for a while until Harry comes back from wherever he went.

"I'm not going to ask if you're okay, only because I know you're not" he spoke up after the short break of silence.

"I'm fine" I replied. He let out a small breath from his nose, leaning his head on mine.

"You say that" and we stayed like that, ignoring the quick movements of people moving here and there. Until I saw two bodies covered with white cloth as the wheels screeched.

"Niall, was my mom the only body there?" although it hurts to say it that way, I could only ask.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I don't think I saw any other. Why?" he shoot his eyes open, letting go of me and looks down.

"I don't know" I stood up and he followed as well, the both of us pushing gently to the people who were in the middle of our way, our feet not stopping its movement.

"Hey! Hey officer!" Niall called out and a man turned towards us with a clipboard, frowning deeply. Or maybe his face was just like that.

"Can I help you both?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, well only a favor. I recalled seeing only one dead person. Was there another which I don't know?" I asked, pointing at the other body.

"Right, but we found her in one of the locked rooms, choked to death and later stabbed in the chest. Is there a problem here? Do you know who the killer might be?" he asks now, probably suspicious but I knew it wasn't the time to answer him since I walked past him and revealed the cloth.

"Oh my" I said in a low voice, stepping away from there.

"Lady you do know that you might be in..." the officer's voice faded when I walked away, far from the building and just running for a while until Niall caught up with me.

"Caythe what the hell is going on?" he raised his voice, panting hard and I realized we were quite far from there. Which I'm glad as that hell hole was worse, only giving me a hard time to breathe.

"It was Liz. Niall it was fucking Liz, she's dead" I breathed out, pressing my stretched arm against a tree to maintain my balance.

"What? What do you mean?" He was confused as I am but the only thing stopping me from answering was Harry jogging up to us.

"Guys you disappeared, what happened? Caythe you look pale, have you even drink anythi- Wait, what's wrong?" he walked towards, his frown increasing more.

"Didn't you see Liz's body? She was stabbed, Harry, and I don't even remember hearing Frank or mom planning to kill her as well. What sick joke is this? Oh wait, it's not even a fucking joke because a person died. Died! And my mom, she was only protecting me only to be dead while doing so! W-why?" I felt my eyes blurry once more and my sight was soon shut as Niall pulled me into his chest, with Harry frozen to his feet. The fact that I mentioned mom again must've triggered him once more, although she wasn't really his mom. But mine. We were never related and that's what hurts more.

"We'll get the truth soon. We'll find out where Frank is and we'll push him to the edge of a cliff if that's what it takes for me to beg beneath us" Niall whispered and I realized Harry left with the ground, he once stood on, wet. I could feel the pain coming back again and it probably won't go.

It just won't because the night never ended, it went on like that as Liz and mom's body was taken away and although the streets cleared up after hours, my feet was still on fire. My body was ice and it felt like I could just die and melt on the hot burning ground.

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