Sixteen | Related

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Caythe's POV

Numb. The feeling in me has been frozen. My heart beat has quicken. My fingers won't stop trembling and my lungs crave for air. Sweats fall of my forehead like waterfall and all I could do is not care about anything. It feels like a brick had hit my head causing me to just drop to the ground. It is like two world collided and everything stumbled down. The feeling of knowing nothing else is with you. No one has got your back anymore. I felt as if I was alone. Like the only thing I was with is, my heart. The only thing that is alive in me is my heart. Not my soul. Not my breathing lungs. Not my walking legs. Nothing except my beating heart.

I couldn't care about anything. All that has been my worries drained out of me. I couldn't give a damn if there is a tornado out there. I wouldn't give a fuck if there is a killer behind me ready to stab the shit away. I wouldn't even mind if my head was blown off. I don't care. Not even Niall. Or Harry. Because the question that lingers in my mind is, how?


I smiled as Roberts hummed along with the song on the radio. It was an 80s song that I couldn't really remember the title. I heard it on my dad's old radio when I was maybe six or seven. Can't remember much.

"You mind if I stop for a refill?" he asked. I shook my head he muttered a thank you. I watched as he first headed to a small grocery shop by the station. He jogs over and soon disappeared away. I sighed and leaned back on the chair not sure of what to do.

My eyes caught the dashboard and I remember him saying he has got nothing in the car except a few important files.

I opened it and caught a folded paper resting in. I frowned and closed the dashboard back. my heart and mind kept telling me to open it and so I did.

I gulped down as something tells me that it is another puzzle piece. Another piece to the secret. And I wasn't ready.

Roberts isn't coming any sooner seeing him arguing with some guy. i let my sight go back to folded, wrinkled paper. I slowly unfolded it and read the whole thing.

Then it happened. My eyes widen, my lips shook, hands trembling leaving me speechless from what I read. It is then cleared out for me.

Harry is step brothers with Niall.

Oh my God this can't be happening.

I kissed my own brother?! Well, step brother but what the hell?

Roberts seemed to finish fast or it was me who thought time slowed down when it did the opposite. He smiled not, realizing that I've just opened his dashboard and rumaged through his secrets. Would he kick me out of this car if I had told him that I found out about this?

Hope not, he's a good guy...I guess.

"What happened? You look pale" he says, driving away from the station. I try to pretend as if there's nothing wrong and by the looks of his smiling, I'm doing it well.

"It's the wind, my lips got dry and whenever it gets dry my whole face looks pale" I chuckled and he did too, continuing to drive as we get closer to my destination.

"That happens a lot to my wife" he says and the happy tone still remains. He must be a strong guy, judging by the fact that he kept his family photo there and told some stranger about what happened.

"Do you miss her, all of them?"

"I do, sometimes while driving I just imagine them at the backseat fighting over whose turn it is to choose a song on the radio, and my wife smiling while she puts her hand on mine...those days are the days where I consider myself going crazy" he shakes his head while laughing lightly, the memories stuck in his troubled mind and I can see him remembering each pieces, living in it.

"You can still see him, Niall, I mean and his brother" I finally said and his eyes widen, looking at me instantly.


"I've seen them coming in and out of some building, I'm guessing it's where they live. I can tell you the address" I smile.

"Please, that would be the best thing"

But the thing is, how am I supposed to face them both now?


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