Nineteen | Out

122 5 1


She slowly came back to conscious, her nose taking in deep breathe making her lungs pump back to life. Her eyes glance nervously around the dark glowing room that was only filled with water droplets sound lingering. Her heart beat was slowly back to normal, along with her body resting on the metal chair.

She breathed deeply, turning up, with squinting eyes as she is met with a hanging bulb, dangling from the ceiling. It happened to be the only light in this room, but she also looked at the small table, with a black gun she saw in movies, placed neatly on.

Her eyes widen at the sight of her body untied, none is stuck to the chair. She felt confused as of why isn't she pressed and secured around in this room, why isn't she properly surrounded by guards?

This can be a test.

She frowned and tried to get up, but stopped as footsteps are heard not surely far. She sat back down, eyes straight on the gun placed in front of her, begging silently for her to pick it up.

"Caythe, I thought you were going to pick that gun up and run out of here. But I seemed to guess wrong" a lady's deep British voice echoed in this empty dark room although Caythe couldn't see who this woman is.

"Why would you think of me that way?" she asks back, gritting her teeth with the thought of running away.

"Your father used to be one brave man" she said, with a smile on her face.

"What?" Caythe wanted to just look at this woman and punch her straight in the throat but something told her not to.

"He was someone who I needed. Someone who let me push away the past" the woman continued, ignoring Caythe's confused question.

"I don't understand" she said shaking her head still wondering why she isn't running for her life right now.

"I'm surprised you haven't yet recognized my voice" the lady smirked.

"Must I?" Caythe continued along, unsure of this situation.

"Oh more than you could ever imagine. Caythe"

It was then the time she started to get memories back in her head, the number of times she heard the way this lady called her name, the times this voice would sing small nursery rhymes at bed, the days where this voice would laugh along with her father. She would now know, who it is. And who she is.

"Mom?" she calls out, but the footsteps are no longer heard, but her body tensed as she felt a cold breathe behind her neck.

"Baby" the voice replied.

Caythe could feel her heart beating faster, with her tears rushing up. Her body jerked up and she turned around, wrapping her arms around the lady who she calls mom.

"I missed you so much. Where have you been?" Caythe asks, burying into her wrinkled neck.

"Get off me" she snapped.

"W-what?" Caythe pulled away, trying to look properly at her mom's face.

"Out now Frank. You can come out" her mom said smirking.


Mind you but the chapters might be shorter from now on.

Mixed Connection [Niall AU // COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now