Twenty Three | Comfort

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It was already two am and Harry pressured Niall to keep driving. His eyes were about to shut any moment but it didn't matter as Caythe's safety was the only thing in his head.

However Niall stopped the car by the road, sighing in defeat as Harry frowned.

"Sorry Harry, but it's already midnight. We can start moving at five if you want?" He obviously sounded tired, body about to collapse and hands losing the grip on the steering wheel.

"No Niall, we can't stop! The fuck are you thinkin' !?" He snapped.

"I'm thinking that we rest, not waste our energy when we have no idea where the place is" he calmly said. Well only because he was not having a single tint of mood.


"No buts Harry. There's a charger wire in there and you can put on an alarm. Maybe we can find some clue when we're wide awake" he muttered before making his seat move to a lying position, sighing with relief as his body lay down. He heard Harry muttering 'fine' and smiled a little. He felt the seat beside move to the same position before they both drifted off to sleep.

But the sleep didn't last long as it was already four am with the alarm blasting away the silence. It looked as if the night was still young, that the time wasn't actually giving any difference. But the two were already awake and are both grunting from the hit of tiredness.

"I thought I told you to put it on at 4:35 am" Niall stretched his arms, blinking more than once to get used to it.

"Sorry, here let me drive and you take rest. I will look up the address through my GPS. Thanks for the charger" Harry didn't wait for Niall's response as he jumped out of the car, sighing as he did so. He was scared. He felt worse. He wasn't doing much well even after the short rest. He didn't trust Caythe when she told him that she was at their mom's. He knew that she was only covering them up. To back them away from harm. But he would risk his own soul for her to live.

"You're not tired? Are you okay?" Niall walked towards him in front of the car, the headlights still off. Harry shook his head and his shoulders lost its tension when Niall smiled at him, pulling him into a tight hug. He didn't know the strong pain that Harry was feeling, he didn't know how losing a sibling would feel. But not seeing the only person you've managed to not hate being in bed comfortably with no reason to be afraid of was already hurting.

"I don't think I'll ever be okay" Harry was resting his head on Niall's shoulder, holding back his tears to fall. He wasn't wasting time as each second was a deadly worry.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do much for her" he whispered, brushing Harry's hair lightly, hoping to comfort him in the best way as possible. They've been through so much and finding out that they were related made his love grew bigger. Although he was disappointed that his mother cheated on his father, he couldn't thank god more for making Harry and Caythe appear in his life.

"I love you Niall. Thank you for not leaving me when I need you the most. You helped me in so many ways and I feel like the only thing to keep you is to love you. You have always been my brother, and I don't think I need a paper to show me that we are"

Niall felt his shirt becoming wet, Harry's grip tightening and he only smiled sadly.

"I love you too little brother. Now we have to be strong alright?" He lets go and cupped Harry's cheeks, standing on his toes before giving him a small kiss on his forehead.

"You smell bad" Harry punched his arms, running to the driver seat and laughed as Niall rubbed his hand in pain.

"You know that really hurts right?" He got into the car, taking out Caythe's old perfume and sprayed it everywhere.

"Like I care" He shrugged. "How did you get that?" he pointed towards the bottle that Niall is holding onto.

"On her 17th birthday you rode in my car after buying this but forgot to bring it to her as you saw that the room lights were off. You ran towards the building and I thought you were going to come back but, you never did. So I kept it I guess. It smells good" he shrugged.

"Dude that cost a fortune! How dare you! You actually stole it and I can report you to the police now do you know that?" Harry pouted and turned on the engine, hearing it come back to life.

"I think there is way more things to report at the moment" He replied making him to nod at that.

"And I'm keeping that in mind"


"Here, I got two orange juice in case you get thirsty" her mom burst into the room, ignoring the pale face of Caythe.

"I think just water would be fine" She said, not even hearing her own voice.

"Will you accept of whatever is going on!? Just take this fucking juice and drink it! You won't die of dehydration at least, gosh!" she was fuming and Caythe whispered back okay, shakily taking the juice. She wasn't doing okay. Ever since the truth was revealed, ever since her mother hated her, she was never doing okay. She suddenly hoped for Harry and Niall to come and save her but she knew they wouldn't come, as she told them that she was actually fine. She wanted to call them back, tell them that she would never be fine and she needed them by her side. However, knowing that Harry wasn't related to her made her heart to clench.

"There's a sink at the corner if you haven't realized. Wash that dirty face of yours, fuck, I hate seeing that" she muttered and sighed.

Caythe got up silently, holding onto the steel at the edge of the bed as her balance were forgotten with her cramped legs.

She twisted the pipe, waiting for the cold to turn warm as her fingers would shower under it. But knowing that it wouldn't be warm, she ignored the coldness and just splashed her face with it. Her lips shivered and her eyes squeeze shut, gulping hard. She rubbed her face and didn't at all feel fresh.

She'll never be brighten.

As her mom turned towards the door, she spoke up.


"Ma'am. Not mom" she snapped.

"Ma'am... do you really hate me?" she felt tears perk up into her eyes, swollen enough for her to be tired. She waited for her response and imagined her mother to fall on her knees, bursting into sobs and say that she doesn't hate her, that she loves her. She dreamed of her to hug her comfortably, letting her to rest into a mother's smell. But her imagination was destroyed, as she replied.

"Isn't it obvious?" she could see her mother smirk before leaving the room.



I've realized that I might give updates constantly except of Sunday and Thursday nights (Saudi Arabia time) because in that time, I would update 'found me'. I only have two exams left then ten days holiday before school again. But I'll try to update and finish this quick so I can focus on my other two fanfics. My head is spinning. I will really miss writing this story, but I have to concentrate on life since my family is going through a tough time not just the wattpad life soooooo.....

Don't kill me.

I love you.


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