CH.9-the parents

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I wasn't really sure what I was going to say to Kara's parents considering I hadn't been here in a long time so I simply knocked on the door and waited to see what they would say to him.

I saw as Kara's mom opened the door and almost dropped her cup of coffee.

"Hey, Mrs. Harrison," I said as she stepped towards me and sat her cup on the table inside her house.

"Ace?" Mrs. Harrison asked taking a step toward me.

"Yeah, it's been a long time hasn't it?" I asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, my dear boy, we didn't know what happened to you after that incident. You never came to visit, but Kara told us she saw you at school so we knew you were okay, we just thought you wouldn't be back here to visit and the fact that you are here and with Kara as well, I just couldn't be happier."

She finally released me and sat me and Kara down on the couch after figuring out that there was something that we wanted to know.

"So what is it that you guys are wanting to figure out?" she asked sitting down in the chair across from us.

"Ace, well even I want to know if my family is somehow linked to the witness society," Kara said letting a huge breath release itself.

"How do you know about the witness society?" she said turning to face me.

"I know a lot of things that I shouldn't know and I've seen a lot of things that I shouldn't have seen."

She looked at us for a little bit before taking a breath and giving us kind of a guilty look.

"Yes, our family is one of the last families in the witness society. I'm a witness, however your father isn't. Usually you start having dreams or nightmares at a young age about things that will happen or things that have happened. When did you start having things come true?" she asked.

"When I was a child the night after Ace's birthday party. I had a dream that his family was murdered by some man that I didn't recognize," she said looking down at the floor and playing with a pretend string on her t-shirt.

"So you were about six years old? That would make sense. I started having nightmares when I was seven. I had a dream that my brother was going to commit suicide after being bullied on his sixteenth birthday party. I had a dream that he jumped of a bridge into the shallow river and died due to impact and sure enough he came up missing the day after his sixteenth. I told my mother about my dream even though I didn't know that I was a witness or that she was a witness and she instantly called the police and told them to check the river. They found my brother's body in the river and had a funeral for him a few days after finding him."

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Harrison. I had no idea."

"It's okay. So, you two came here so you could figure out whether or not this family was involved with the witness society?"

"Yes, thank you for helping us out. I'll see you again sometime," I said standing up before Mrs. Harrison grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her just as Kara went out to the car.

"Ace, I know that my daughter has no idea about the condition you are in, but she is going to find out eventually, even you know that."

"How did you-"

"Ace, I also had a dream about the murder, but it was only a small segment. All I saw was you lying on the ground drowning in your own blood like the rest of your family, but there were bite marks on your neck and it zoomed ahead in time to show that you were alive, but not the same human boy you always were. I know that things must be tough for you right now, but I want you to make me a promise."

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