CH.12-the cat

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It's been a while since Ace and I returned to the school. I've gotten caught up on all my studies and I've even gotten a bit of free time and caught up on a tv show I was really into before all the attacks.

Despite all these distractions, I can't help but wonder about the phenomena that has been anything but subtly introduced into my life. My life would sound to any normal person like some gibberish out of a story book, but it is in fact a reality.

I wonder about the picture and whether or not it could contribute to the vivid dreams I have been having or somehow channel them into something frighteningly stronger. Something to enhance the dreams and cause them to get worse. Maybe the picture acts as some sort of power-up, or maybe the phenomenon is all coincidental.

I wonder if there is still something that Ace is hiding from me. Why is he so close, yet feels so far away?? I don't understand it. Not at all.

Then there's Fin and Amity and I don't understand their family at all. Amity seems relatively normal still since she told me, but Fin always gives me these looks. I'm guessing he knows that I know. I wasn't even sure they were siblings, but now I'm aware that not only that...they are both vampires and vampire hunters and they are the niece and nephew of the leader of the vampire association. It's all a lot to take in. I'm still having a distressful time convincing myself to believe in the existence of them, but considering the fact that I spent my whole life thinking they weren't real...its understandable that it's hard to adapt to such an idea.

My thoughts were disrupted by a knock on my door.

I hopped up and opened it to see Amity standing with a box in her hands.

"What's with the box?" I asked as she made her way past me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Early birthday present."

"My birthday isn't for two more months, you know?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to get it the second I saw it because you've always wanted one," she said as the box started to move.

"Did you get me a living thing?"

"Yes...yes I did."

"What is it?"

"Open the box and see, silly."

I took the cardboard box from her hands and sat it on my bed removing the lid and seeing a small bundle of fur curled up in the corner.

I picked it up and it unrolled in my hands slowly becoming a flame-tipped rag doll.

"You got me a kitty!" I yelled setting it back in the box for a nano-second and hugging Amity before picking up the white and caramel ball of fur again and playing with its ears.

"Yes I did and now I'm officially your unofficial ex-best friend due to the cat. What are you gonna name it, Kara?"


"Scout? For a cute little cat?"

"What's wrong with Scout?"

"Nothing, you do you boo," she said taking a seat in the couch as I sat my cats temporary box home in the floor.

"You sure you want to name it scout?"

"I just finished binge reading To Kill a Mockingbird since my report was yesterday and I think it's cute."

"Okay, so when was the last time you saw Ace?" she asked and the second she said it I realized that it hadn't been for a few days.

"A couple days actually, why?"

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