CH.34-the mindset

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Green leaves draped over every square inch of my skin and my flesh had become a thick, brown, rough surface. Bothersome birds pecked at my ears and I yelped in pain, but Owen's voice silenced me.

"You're doing good. You're totally at peace. Now inhale and exhale slowly. Remain calm and meld into your surroundings. This makes the transition far less painful and can aid you in being far more physically and mentally stable when you fall out of your dream."

"How are you so good at this?" I mumbled as my mouth slowly took the form of the bark that led up the rest of my body.

"I knew a witness. Now no more questions. Stay focused."

I nodded and outstretched my arms to form large beautiful branches. My thumbs and fingers unclenched and curled into leaves and twigs.

Im probably prettier as a tree.

"Fantastic. Are you feeling okay?" Owen asked and I nodded my head, but upon realizing he couldn't see my head moving I whispered a faint, "yes."

He nodded and then stood behind me and I could no longer see him, but his warm breath rustled through the leaves on the tips of my fingers.

"Now stay relaxed, but stay focused. I need you to wake up, but don't let your form cloud your mind. Focus on reality."

I inhaled and closed my eyes picturing my reality. A light glistened above my head and my limbs started to shift back to normal. I could move my mouth again and my skin was soft...

Until it wasn't.

Until I was spiraling down through a hole that I couldn't see. My skin was shaking as the tree I once was ripped off of me leaving me naked and cold as the wind nipped at my skin. Shards of obsidian-colored wood stabbed into my vulnerable flesh and blood trickled down my arms as a black inky substance traveled throughout my veins, choking me. I coughed and black liquid spilled out of my mouth and continued to poor until it covered my body.

The black started to solidify until I was wearing an evening gown. I was in a ballroom and everyone was wearing masks. I felt my face to find that the black silky material had formed a mask around my face. A man with brown hair behind his mask approached me and outstretched his hand which I, for some reason, willingly took.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, princess. I'm your worst nightmare," he whispered and suddenly his eyes were a violent emerald green shade. I quickly let go of him and spun around when another man wearing a mask that had slightly less coverage grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the ballroom and down a hallway.

"Kara, you need to wake up. I'm getting you out of here."

"Owen I don't know how."

"You must! If you don't you'll be trapped here forever."

"What is this place?"

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