CH.44-the resurgence

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"Run!" Seven yelled as we tore through the hallway. Seven was faster than all of them, and Cora had the natural speed of a vampire, but I was only human. I was only going to hold us back.

"Seven, put me on your back. I'm going to slow us down if you two just try to run at my pace," I stated, almost out of breath. Seven quickly bent down and put me on his back.

"Hold on tight, sis," he stated, and he took off. I couldn't begin to describe or get use to the speed at which Seven ran. Everything flew by within seconds and I wasn't sure what was what and who was where. I felt safe though, and in the midst of a mess like the one we had, a feeling of safety was a virtue.

We outran the vampires quickly, but Cora wasn't nearly as fast as Seven. Even so, we still managed to beat them to the door and slam it before anything could escape. Of course, that door wasn't going to hold forever whether there was a passcode on it or not. My life had been threatened before, but never had I felt so close to death as I did in this moment.

"I thought we were going to bargain with them," Cora stayed, still running as far away from the door as possible, slowing down a bit.

"I wanted to see if the vampires would listen to me since they aren't technically under Cloud's control. I hated being there, and I was human. Cloud can't control the vampires unless he did something with that chip. I wasn't prepared for that. Cloud must have put something in the chip to make them submissive to him even though they're vampires. He's done a lot more experimenting since we've been gone, Cora. Granted, even if they would have listened, the humans would've still shown up and opened the cages. I wasn't prepared for that either," he muttered.

"It's okay. We can just fight the vampires and humans, right? I asked and Seven chuckled.

"You day it like it's going to be so easy. The humans are like me, Kara. They've got abilities and we don't even know what kind. The vampires are the same, but some are born with abilities, and now they have the ones that Cloud gave them. It's going to be chaos."


I agreed as Seven sat me on the ground. The three of us began jogging at a regular pace down the hallways looking for the window that seemed like an impossible escape once again. The guards were still unconscious.

"How are we getting out? I mean Cora could land a jump from this height and still participate in a ballet recital afterward. You and I are human," I stated and Seven picked me up. "Okay, you're either making fun of me or you just enjoy carrying me around," I stated and Seven shook his head.

"I'm the fastest human being alive to my knowledge. I can probably build up enough momentum to run down the wall and be okay," he stated and I shook my head rapidly, jumping out of his arms.

"No, no, no! If you want to do that, go right ahead, but there is no way that I'm going down with you. I'll just jump from up here," I assured. Cora and Seven looked worried but eventually agreed. Cora went out first and Seven sprinted out shortly afterwards. I looked out the window to see that both of them were on the ground...intact. I didn't have time to think about it long, for the longer I thought, the closer that door got to opening up a whole new type of trouble. I took a deep breath and stood on the ledge; I heard the scratching of nails on the walls and doors behind me. Seven and Cora were ready to catch me, but that didn't stop my stomach from throwing a rapid Fourth of July party. I didn't want to look up at the destruction. I could hear it, but I wasn't about to face it until I was safely on the ground.

I breathed out.

I jumped.

My feet fell off of the ledge and my limbs began flailing as I tried my best to fight and stay in a reasonably catchable position. My stomach lurched and my lungs burned.

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