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    For lunch, everyone decided to leave the house and just bring back something to eat. Observable Fact: I am hungry, alone, and soulless. Technically speaking, I am alone in the living room but if I were to restate my statement and consider the whole house, then I'm not exactly alone. That is, also, if we consider Taehyung to be human.

    My mind starts to work like a sewing machine. All it knows to do at the moment is stitch up thoughts, opinions, and facts from earlier and create a whole fucking trail of embarrassment. I could've figured something out before I fell but, ARGH! Instead I chose to let whatever happens, happen. It would've had better outcome for everyone if I held on the railings or something.

    I look at my foot that rested on a stripped cushion as if I were facing my demise (It also hurts like it [not that I know what it really feels like] I can't help but get sucked into the pain). So I decide to sit up and grab a pillow from my left when I accidentally take a hold of something else. I look at the piece of cloth and realize that it was one that Taehyung owned. A Maroon colored sweatshirt with the word 'Philanthropy'written in white simple bold font. I blankly stare at it for a couple of seconds when an undeniably weird expression submerges my face. I suddenly have this weird desire to put the sweatshirt on my face and sniff the scent gone. My whole body is quivers as it begins to crave him for no particular reason. I squint at the sweatshirt as though something suspicious was gonna jump out. But in all reality, it's just me trying to resist the scent hovering below my nostrils.


    I toss the sweatshirt and send it flying to the ground where it's supposed to look like I didn't touch it. I turn my my eyeballs to the staircase and nervous wait for someone to come down.

    "What are you doing?" A voice asks.
I wait for my voice to even out as my heart tries to calm sown from the shock. Once that's out of the way I question him questioning me, "What? Why do you even need to ask?"
    "A question doesn't answer another question you know. It just doesn't work that way. And, is that how you treat your savior?"

    "For the last time, I didn't ask you to do that"
"I know but at least try to be grateful"

    I roll my eyes and sigh. "You're so Trivial" I feel guilt crawl to the back of my head and I whisper under my breath hoping that it disappears and that he doesn't hear me.
"Thank you" but he does hear me.
    "You're welcome" A brief titter escapes his lips, "That's so unusual of you" He hitches up one side of his lips and continues down the stairs.

    "Like you're one to speak" My tone is covered in pure hysteria as I cross my arms over my chest.
He clears his throat. "That aside, what's my sweatshirt doing on the floor?" he raises up a brow and I turn to face him, cringing. "It's disgustingly inhumane."
He closes his eyes and pretends to be shot in the chest. Nice acting. "Well that hurts. I just had that washed the other day" he bushes his brows together, hand still hanging on his chest, but having more of sympathetic vibe. "Don't you consider the feelings of the things you throw around"

    I roll my eyes again and immediately sneer. "Oh shut up. You're not the one I'm throwing around so why bother asking?"

    He stands beside the center table and looks at me with eyes that're as big as tennis balls. For at least three minutes, he stands there like he's paralyzed. He doesn't speak, doesn't blink, doesn't move at all.
    Tell me that what I said just now didn't have an impact on him. I regret having my lips run loose. I really hope he didn't read much into it, but it's probably too late to fix it now because I'm feeling an awkwardness that's too awkward, it's not even supposed to be here. He's probably put a deeper meaning to what I said just now, no doubt.
    No, no, no, no! Oh heavens no!

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