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Fighting people is definitely not my cup of tea.

But they are an exception.
By they, I mean Jungkook and of course, Hoseok hyung. Let's say that the damned Dong Gook is included.

Hoseok hyung may not be that much of a problem because for one he doesn't even look at Eunsol as a woman. Hypothetically speaking, I think she only likes him cause he always thinks she's right. Every time we'd bicker and argue he's always there taking sides. Actually, for the longest time in human history, he's only taken hers.

Hyung probably hasn't noticed that she likes him because when it comes to his personal issues, he can be quite oblivious. Initially, I thought of him as a great older brother but soon after I realized Eunsol having greater feelings for him, I couldn't even approach him with the same credibility anymore.

But of course, that is all just me being a brainless jerk blaming someone for taking something I never had to begin with.


I guess the event from earlier is taking a gigantic toll on me. I really need to get a grip on myself regarding such expectations. I can't let them run wild and take over me. That's too much of a hassle, really.

And as for Jungkook, yes. He's case is really troublesome when you are trying to pursue love.
That shameless bastard.

He goes around hogging Eunsol for himself. Which, to be honest, I have no reason to object to when you think about it(if I don't have any feelings)(but bitch, I do)

Keeping my feelings from Eunsol would be a barrier keeping our relationship safe and determined. Does anyone know how hard it is to hold yourself back in front of the person you like (but shouldn't).

She just sees me as an annoying housemate.

I may seem objectively impatient about these things but its because I like her too much and it pains me to see her with someone else. Worse than that, I can't even express the slightest bit of it. Though lately I've been trying, I doubt that the dense Eunsol would get it.

"Hey guys!" Jimin excitedly runs toward Jungkook who clearly shows no trace of interest.

"Look who we found on the way back" Jin happily presents

The person comes inside and immediately greets us, asking how we've been. Neither of us speak because the awkwardness has yet to fully evacuate. Eye to eye, everybody stares.

"What the hell guys!" Eunsol resiliently bursts back with energy. "We aren't in a funeral, for god's sake" She lifts up both corners of her lips, lifting along the mood. It gets all the men in this room hooked. She sure does know how to use her charms.

My chest starts filling up with agitation and frustration because I can't stand looking at her who gazes at his princely knight in shining armor. When they came back it seems like 'earlier' never existed. There was no scene before this moment. And here I am, stupidly believing in it alone.

Jin hyung calls us to the table which unnecessarily creates a gap between two scenes of silence. We go to the table to eat and everyone naturally goes back to being in a state of comfort. I sit on the dining table with the other two, who apparently also hasn't eaten lunch yet. This time around, I'm just taking my luxurious time out in the park to saunter back and forth between glancing at Eunsol and chewing my food.

As the day grew darker and stars became brighter, someone suddenly rings the doorbell which grabs everyone's attention by a handful. Even Yoongi hyung takes his time to pause from activity to look at the window where you have a clear view of the front yard. Eunsol stands up and charges at the door; fists in a ball and head swarming with anger. She slams everything behind her even the gate as she leaves with the guy whom I suspect to be Dong Gook.

"Nobody follow" Is all she says before leaving the house.

We sit still for a few seconds, and before I knew it, all heads were turned facing me. Their eyes squinted, directly piercing into my innocence. I had nothing else to do but spill the beans.

"She's going out with him" I shrug, pretending to be unfazed by the mere word of "going out"

Aside from Jungkook's jaws dropping to the ground, Jin's went in six feet deeper. It seems to me that he wasn't mentally prepared to hear this and I don't even bother asking why.

Jin starts bombing me with questions and statements unto which he refuses to accept the information set in front of him. It all rotates around the topic of Eunsol's one-sided relationship with a nerd who turns out to be a monstrous demonic child manipulator.

"I will NEVER ACCEPT this. I refuse to. This is just a meaningless speculation brought forth by an act of friendship." Jungkook furiously shakes his head in agreement in hopes of it becoming reality.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and breath in all the air my lungs could carry "Hyung. . ." I call out

"This is just unacceptable. Unjust! We shouldn't stay here believing in the hypothetical assumptions Taehyung give us. We must go and clear things up before it gets out of hand--"

again, cut off.

as unbelievable as it is,
Yoongi hyung moved.

Everyone stays adamant about it till he actually says words more than shut up and let's go.

"Jin, I thought you were older than us? You should know how to deal with this and accept the fact that your little sister is growing up. She'll need to be set free one day." He makes eye contact with every person in the room and opens his mouth yet again, "So will you all cut the crap and place shitty peace here on Earth for a fucking day will ya? This place is always a fucking mess that its a ton of bullshit to deal with"

After hearing Yoongi hyung's intellegently heart-warming words(at least the first few parts of it), Silence grew louder that it could shatter platters like a domino.

Or so I thought.

Someone disrupts the silence with their moronic ways and says something so unrelated, "Does this tank top make me look fat?" Jimin twists in both sides inspecting whether or not the tank top makes him look fat.

Only Yoongi hyung seemed unflustered by the sudden change of topic. This is why people think he's cool. He's always just chill, except for days when we'd have bicker sessions of course.

"It doesn't." Everyone replies in a lazy chorus as though it had long become a natural response to Jimin's insecurities for the past few centuries. 

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