Filling the Gaps

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We all just stayed quiet as we also tried to cope with the awkward situation. I firstly stood up and shook off the dust on my pants.

I exhaled loudly as Jungkook and Jimin averted their eyes toward me.

"I-I need to bring Eunsol up now"

"I'll do it!" Jungkook stands to try and steal the moment away from me while being all innocent. Such a cunning kid.

We both intently stare at eachother, trying to make one of the other back off. As we intently stare, we didn't notice Jimin hyung already bringing Eunsol up the stairs. We both shout in a synchronized tone "YA!!"

We look at eachother again and glare.

Eunsol suddenly wakes up and goes down from hyung's arms. With her messy hair covering her face, she creepily went down the stairs and stood in front of us.

I gulped, "Ya.." She says as she peeks from the spaces between the strands of her hair. Looking up, she suddenly grabs the collar of our shirts and heavily pulls our shirt down to an ear level. She whispers "Shut the fuck up unless you want your ass beat into a bloody shit ton of dust. I'm trying to sleep and ya'll are noisy. Rude people deserve punishment that brings death.."

Though we barely saw her face, we could feel the strong aura that she gave out. It was scary enough to stone us.

She went back up the stairs and had Jimin hyung carry her.

Full of jelousy, Jungkook and I pouted. Not long after though, we glared at eachother. We sat on the couch pretending to watch t.v. when in reality, we were thinking of Eunsol the entire time.

"I like her." He suddenly spouts

I try to control myself and pretend I didn't hear anything at first. I turn side ways on the couch not wanting to see his face.

"She'll be mine so you should just stay put"


"Because Noona's mine" With earnestly looking eyes, it just got me more

"So you're saying that you're scared of losing her to me?"

"I'm not scared. You should just stop already when you know you have no chance at all"

"Oh really? So you're very much insensitive huh?"

"ofcourse not. If you compared me to you, you'd still make world's densest human alive"

"hmph. Such a sly little peice of-"

"OKAY! Let's stop it at that. Can both of you explain what's going on?"

"I LIKED HER FIRST!" we synchronized




"I asked WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH BOTH OF YOU!!" Jimin hyung snapped. It was totally out of the ordinary which shocked both of us and brought us back to sanity.

"Well.." I tried starting but ended up nudging Jungkook's shoulder. Signalling him to start. But ofcourse, he was too shocked that words didn't make it out of his throat. In the end I started before hyung snaps again.

"We like Eunsol"

"and?" he raises a brow

"It's not sisterly love but like legit affection for the opposite gender as a human being with no relations at all."

Hyung starts to process what I'm saying and widens his eyes with a loud, "HAAA?!!"



"To be clear I like her more" Jungkook says yet again.

"wait. Who said you could like who?" He pulls his hair, "Jesus guys! Do you know how much freaking trouble your feelings will cause if it spreads out to the whole household?!"

"we do" I simply answer, "but what's the point? We aren't really related to eachother so why make a fuss about it? It's not like it's taboo or anything?"

"You have a point but that's not what I'm trynna say okay. Jin, as ya'll know, is a protective guy specially when it comes to eunsol"

"Living with Jin hyung all these years, do you really think that we haven't noticed that yet? Ofcourse we have which is why it's obvious that we like her so much even if we know the trouble we might get into."

"ey ey, you really don't know what your getting yourself into. Once this reaches em there's no turning back now"

"I never plan on turning back anyway" I Reply honestly

"You do know that I'm not kidding right?"

"If only I could show you my heart and turn it inside out to show you that I'm never changing my feelings for her no matter what happens"

We all suddenly hear a loud noise from upstairs.

"Noona probably fell off her bed again" Jungkook stares at the Eunsol's bedroom door which we all did, too. I guess we all know her too well that we even know what she consiquently does every single time she's asleep.

"so who's putting her back on her bed?" Jungkook asks.

Another willfull aura arises, but before we could race up the stairs Jimin hyung immediately blocks us.

"You sly kids" He gave us "THE LOOK" and went upstairs to put her back in bed.

"you know he was talking about you, you sly kid" I told Jungkook, before running to my room and locking it.

Eunsol's POV

I was put on my bed by Jimin oppa and sat with me for while.

" fool. Those two like you since we were little but I thought they were just confusing their feelings. It's seems like it's gotten serious now, though."

Even if I didn't answer, for me, it was still the noisiest because my heart was beating rapidly. Even my thoughts were being pushed away.

"I don't know what to do"

"Well it's gonna be tough, unless you also like one of them that is"

"It's harder if that's the case" I reply with anxiety heard in my voice

"So you do like one of them, huh?"

"Who is it?" He squints at me with a creepy smile

I push his face with my palm, trying to block his sight before he could see my face. I felt my cheeks burning up just thinking of him.

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