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    I look at Eunsol's face and stare at it more intently as specs of dust fall. I move my line of vision from her plump and lush lips to her adorable button nose to her amazingly bewitching eyelashes that sparkled in the sunlight. I realize that my body starts moving in closer toward her, but I don't stop myself. It's like this was meant to happen. I stop my gaze from moving and paste it on her lips. I lean in closer until our cheeks brush against each other and our lips touch to make an ignition start within me. Her eyes slowly open and instead of pulling away she opens her mouth and kisses back. Our tongues intertwine and release. Intertwine and release. Our teeth push hard against each other like kissing wasn't even enough anymore. We both get sucked into the moment as our breathing became vigorous and scattered. I lean in even closer, starting to push her down the couch as we kiss, but suddenly, she bites my lip. She shrieks in sheer pain and looks back at me teary-eyed. I look around and try to find out where the hell that came form when her foot I see her foot in my peripheral view.

    Damn, I completely forgot didn't I?

    "Wait? Is this real?" She asks in monotone
I nod in response not because droplets of melancholy are starting to escape my body.
    Her eyes open wide like she's allowing them to roll out, "Omyghod. . . " Her jaw literally hangs open as she tries to recollect her thoughts. "Why did you-- rather, why-- What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?"

    I shrug and reply "Not sure either"
    Though my face remains expressionless, my heart barely stands the thought of remaining calm. It's beating loudly and recklessly which obviously hints no ticket to composure any time soon. I retrieve my hands and rest one arm on the couch, and the other on my lap. I try not to look at her so my heart would relax, but as I continuously feel her gaze, I don't know what comes over me, but I turn to look at her. She immediately turns away, cheeks flushed red from one side to the other. At this point, even as the film continues to play, I don't even notice the gruesome things happening anymore. It's like they've become invisible to me. The only thing my eyes can see is her sitting next to me, trying to hide behind the loose strands of hair that had fallen off from behind her ear.

    How could I find her this cute? She obviously dreams about me doing those things. Like, I couldn't even begin to process how euphoria is feeding on the tip of my fingers. My heart tingles as I we try to avoid each other's gaze and communicate behind the silence. It's like all my anger from that time is starting to fade as though it never existed. Right now, all that I am is of her.

    I look at her foot dangling from the couch and reach in to touch it but as soon as she detects my motion she moves away. She creates a distance between us that I easily overcome by sliding in toward her. The closer I got, the more I decreased the gap between us making her feel uncomfortable for her to move further back. It was too late when either of us realized that she was too close to the edge of the couch. She just falls right off the bat without time to react. I tried to grab her hand so I could cease her fall, but she holds onto the sleeve of my shirt and pulls me in to follow. There was nothing to cushion her except my hands that wrapped around her like a snake. We are facing each other face to face, so close that we could hear each other's breath enter and exit our bodies. The tip of our noses almost meet and our eyes refuse to look away. They stay very still and very focused at the center of our pupils.

   Her eyes are shimmering like they just met a night sky full of lanterns.

Three things I wish I hadn't realized so soon:

 She's beautiful.


This moment is beautiful.


I'm so madly in love with her I can kiss her all day.

(It's hard to resist now, especially when I've had a taste of it just a few minutes back.)

    She clears her throat AS our eyes eyes continue to stay plastered to each other.
"Are you alright?" I ask while suppressing my desire to kiss her again.
    She tightens her grip on my sleeve and grows speechless by the second. I on the other hand, attentively look at her eyes as they map every square-inch of my face because at this point, I'm too captivated to look away.
    Her lips part from each other when I know she's staring at my lips. I take my time reminding myself that I'm in a real moment where I am staring at her and she's staring at me just so I don't confuse it with a dream. I then sadly pull back, and get up. Helping her stand, too.

    I open my mouth, getting ready to say something when suddenly someone barges in through the door.

Trouble ; Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now