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     I just kissed Taehyung.
     Taehyung who I've bickered with for more than twelve years every single day without fail. And to clear up any misunderstanding, it's absolutely 0% my fault things turned out that way.

     I opened my eyes, thought it was a dream, and just went along with the flow of things. Well if it was a dream I don't see the need to make such a fuss about it. Besides, how could anyone have resisted such a seductive way of plotting a kiss --- his eyes looked at my lips so bright and clear like summer's day, his cheeks were brushing against mine so delicately, his hands held onto me with great desire, and his mystically soft lips slowly (and ticklishly) pressing against mine. His hair was all glittery from the sun which made it seem more like there was some sort of spotlight attached to the back of his head, making him look so angelic, if not, astral.

I'm just waiting for Taehyung to say something, anything. That's when somebody walks into the room and runs toward me. He's happy and bursting with energy so I try to smile like just a moment ago never existed.

    "Noona!" Jungkook hangs his body on top of me and then squeezes tightly.
I pat his back and squeeze back "What are you doing here?"
He pushes me back and holds me on my shoulders. He frowns and gives his never failing puppy eyes. "You don't want me here?"

Who could say 'no' to that?
Well obviously not me.

    I nod my head and carefully hold his cheeks in my palms. "Of course I want you here! I love you so much, how could I possibly even come to think of that. But first we should sit down, I accidentally fell down the stairs so my ankle. . ." I trail of but he seemed to get it quickly because within seconds, I'm in the air. My legs are dangling on his arm, my head resting on his chest, and my whole body centering in his embrace.

    Someone scoffs hysterically from the sideline and catches our attention. "I'm still here you know"
    "I know, but you're just a trivial matter" He continues to smile facing me as he lays me down gently on the couch.

    I don't understand these two. I know what it's like to bicker with Taehyung and that in itself could really turn up anywhere, but for their case, it stands way too differently. It's as if they're two oppositely charged ions that rub against each other and create friction. A massive amount of friction. Or rather two chemicals that explode when mixed together.

"Hey, just so know I'm the one who cushioned her fall" Taehyung's tone rises up, emphasizing I'm and her

The corner of Jungkook's lips twitches as he turns to face Taehyung like it's the last thing he wants to do right now, "Cushion you say?"
Taehyung raises an eyebrow egoistically and bobs his head. "Yeah. And guess what? It. Wasn't. You."

    I want to butt in to stop their fight but: (1) I'm amused (2) I'm completely shut speechless. If I find out why these two are always so hot headed around each other and find a solution, they should be able to stop fighting all the time right? And I've also come to realize that this is probably what Jin struggles with between Taehyung and I. I feel old.

   "Guys will you just --" I am cut off by Taehyung's voice wich overlaps mine.
"Why'd you come back anyway?" annoyed, he presses his lips together accompanying it with a glance.
   Jungkook narrows his eyes. "Why was there something you didn't want me to see."
Taehyung Smirks. "Of course. So if you would kindly please leave, the door is that way"
I become amused again like how I am when I watch The Unraveled Rebel. I cannot and should not be disturbed. I sit quietly, and then, it's just them arguing over something so childish.

Jungkook: I live here too you know. You should really have your memory checked.
Taehyung: I don't have to. I'm already happy without you in it.
Jungkook: You son of a bitch.
Taehyung: I should call you that. It suits you better.
Jungkook: Well don't, cause it's all yours.
Taehyung: Mine to say? Thank you.
Jungkook: You are annoying.
Taehyung: And so are you.

    After hearing Taehyung say mean things to Jungkook, it made give in to the temptation of butting in their little Savage Dissing Session. By barging in, it's like I've taken the mic from Jungkook, fully stepping into the spotlight.
    "Taehyung! What are you doing? You're so mean." Extravagantly, I glare at Taehyung
He bats an eye saying, "What the hell woman? Like you're one to speak"

    "No, not really. That aside you're making me deaf"
He bushes his brows together. "I thought you already were?"
    "Well it's obviously because of your horrible voice."

    Jungkook's voice is loud and clear and he's trying his best to to stop us but we pretend not to hear it because we're too enthusiastic about bickering. Or too lost in it.

Taehyung: You must have heard wrong then.
Eunsol: I'm pretty sure it's you. Your voice is the only rotten thing within a hundred kilometer radius.
Taehyung: Wow, my voice must be so majestic to have reached that point.
Eunsol: I feel so sorry for the people within that measure to hear your voice.
Taehyung: You little---
Eunsol: You're an idiot for always fighting with Jungkook
Taehyung: Oh , so he isn't?
Eunsol: Of course not. You're the one who always initiates the fight.
Taehyung: Well what about now?
Eunsol: Of course it's you, you idiot.
Taehyung: If there's an idiot in this room, it's you.
Eunsol: No way. You've taken that spot already.
Taehyung: You can keep the spot. You're qualified anyway.
Eunsol: Not as much as you are.
Taehyung: Don't push it.
Eunsol: Stop denying Taehyung-ass. It's meant to be with you.
Taehyung: Oh you meant the position? Sorry, I thought it was you.

Jungkook steps in between us and blocks each our faces with his palm. "This is as far as it goes!"
I raise an eyebrow "I don't get it."

     Silence wrapped around us like a blanket as tumbleweeds start to roll over the floor. There's only one thing I am certain about, and that's my confusion regarding this matter. I am vexed unto whether or not I only happen to misread his actions or simply don't read into them at all. I mean, the thought of reacting the wrong way to this joke (if it were one) terrifies me. I've been feeling bubbly lately because of the way he delivers such intimate feelings. But I am unsure of myself or of anything anymore actually.

    There should be a reason why this is happening. That's how the world is supposed to work, right? That's how I was taught to get by with such things. But why am I beginning to question every moment I got by with believing that?

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