Chapter 1- New Beginnings

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Ignore this if you don't know me in real life:

You know who you are.......hmmmmm I should really get a nickname for you I swear. Okay so umm this might not be as good as you expected it to be okay? Just warning you, it is amateur work. 

Emerald’s POV

“Okay, good bye grandpa!” I said as cheerfully as possible before kissing his wrinkly old cheek. I waved good bye to grandma who was sitting on her over used rocking chair.

I stepped out of the house and to my way to boring old school. As I was walking, I could feel the gentle breeze envelop me into a hug and let go. I hummed a random tune I heard from one of my classmates yesterday.

Grandma Annie and grandpa Edgar have been taking care of me since I was a baby. We used to live in Liverpool but grandpa decided to just move back to where he grew up which is here in Australia. My parents deserted me so they took care of me, at least that’s what Grandma said.

I got in a car accident while we were visiting my grandma’s sister and I lose my memory. The doctor said there is a slight chance that I will remember stuff, but he is still not sure. Up until now, I haven’t remembered anything. The only thing that would help me get my memory back is a trigger. A trigger that would help me unlock the door that is hidden somewhere deep inside my brain. 

I wonder what kind of memories I have

Are they bad? Good? Sweet? Horrible? 

What was I like before I lost my memory? Was I stubborn? Sweet? Kind? My grandparents would barely bring up anything from the past. They said it wasn't that important, what is important is my future. And in order to get a good future, I need to go to this boring old school, which I could see now. 

I pushed open the doors and as usual, no one turned to look at me. I’m not exactly your popular preppy girl.

I’m the nerdy, geeky, dorky girl in school who would get bullied by boys who thinks they’re better than everyone else, when really, everyone just cowers under them because they're afraid that they're going to get beat up. 

This is also the reason why I don't have friends. You see, I'm the main target, the meat, the punching bag. So no one really dares talk to me, people don't exactly want to get beaten up you know. 

As for my grandparents, they know about this but they still refuse to move back to Liverpool. They never give me the reason why. I would always try to cough it out of them but its no use, their lips are sealed.

I bowed my head and avoided eye contact with anyone who passes by me, afraid that I would get beat up. I get beatings everyday by those nasty boys but I'm still afraid. I'm not a superhero who is afraid of nothing. I'm just a girl who doesn't deserve all this problems thrown at her. 

My feet scurried along the hallway and to my first class which is Math.

Oh the joy.


“Hey loser, where’s my lunch?” Everyone around him snickered. I rolled my eyes and took a bite from my P&B sandwich. I looked at him smugly, feeling adrenaline kicking in. I feel like I could take im down but I know I can't. Hey? It's not a crime to dream right?

“Aye! That’s mine you dork!” Jase screamed causing me to flinch and look up at him in fear. Well there goes my dreams.

He kicked me on my already bruised right leg before walking away, his group of posers following after him. I rubbed the part of my leg he kicked before continuing on eating my lunch. I’m used to it by now.

Where I Belong (Sequel to Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now