Chapter 20- Little White Lies

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The album is perfection! Like there is nothing more perfect that it! I love all the songs but Little White Lies stood out for me ;) It’s really catchy! So which songs did you guys like?

Emerald’s POV

My eyes were closed shut but I am well aware of what is happening around me. They have decided to have a big sleepover in my room but I know it’s not because they want to spend time with me. Well maybe partly that, but the other bigger part is to protect me from this creepy stalker.

They have tried everything to keep my mind away from the letter and to get me to sleep earlier but I can’t until I just pretended to fall asleep for their sake.

My bed was not huge enough to fit everyone so the boys have to sleep on the cold floor with an inflatable water bed of course to support them. I wanted to go join them but I’m still shaken up about what happened and I could barely even leave my bed.

The girls are beside me asleep but I could hear the faint whispers of the boys talking. They were talking is such hush tones that even I can’t hear most of it.

My nose started itching and soon enough, I sneezed loudly. I scolded myself silently for blowing my cover.

“Ems? You’re still awake?” Louis sighed. I smiled sheepishly at him before sitting up. Perrie groaned and her body moved to face the other side. Eleanor was a deep sleeper and didn’t move at all. (A/N I don’t know if this is true but just go with it)

“I can’t sleep.” I murmured. They all looked at me sympathetically before they motioned for me to get down from my bed. I looked at the balcony terrified before Louis grabbed my hand, assuring me that everything is going to be okay.

There were three water beds and four of the boys had to share while the other one has the bed all to himself. I sat next to Harry because he was the one without anyone to sleep with. He smiled at me before wrapping his arms around me like a side hug. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the boys talking.

“Would you like us to sing you to sleep?” Liam whispered. I grinned excitedly, lying down on the water bed that Harry and I are now occupying. I’m sure he doesn’t mind sleeping next to me. He chuckled, shaking his head before lying beside me.

They were humming a tune that I never heard of.

“My mum used to sing my sisters this to sleep.” Louis whispered.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind

How can I have sent you away?

How could I have hurt them this way?


The blame was my own,

My punishment's mine.


The harmony's silent today.


But into the stillness I'll bring you a song

But into that stillness you brought me your song


And I will your company keep

With your voice my company kept


Till your tired eyes and my lullabies

For your tired eyes and sweet lullabies

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