Chapter 13- The Problems And Secrets

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Niall’s POV

“No you can’t! Please!” I woke up groggily, sitting up on my bed, mumbling incoherent things under my breath. I looked over at the clock to see the time being six in the morning.

They better have a good reason to wake me up in this ungodly hour.

I slowly walked over to my door in only my pajama bottom. The door was slightly open so I squinted and looked at the hallway through the small creak. When I saw no one, I was about to turn around and head back to bed but I head sobbing and a door closing.

I sighed and debated whether to be a good friend or not. Good friend meaning that I will go to whoever is sobbing and comfort them but if I chose not, I would be a bad friend and go straight back to heavenly sleep.

But as much as I loved my sleep, I knew what I had to do.

Grabbing a random shirt lying on the ground, I put that on, not even bothering to check if it was clean and walked to the sound of crying.

I soon found myself standing in front of Liam’s room. I heard someone sobbing inside and I could definitely tell it was Liam. I have seen him cry once or twice and I don’t want to repeat those experiences ever again. I am crap at being a good friend when someone is crying. I never know what to do!

I decided to knock gently on his door. The crying stopped for a moment but if I listened close enough, I could still hear the faint sniffles he is making.

“It’s Niall.” I said as softly as possible, afraid that if I chose a louder tone, he would break down and cry.

“Go away Niall.” I heard him sob out. I shook my head no even though he couldn’t see me. Now I don’t know if he was the kind of person who wanted to have company when he’s crying or if he was the kind of person who would rather be alone but it sounded like he really wants someone there beside him so I pushed the door open.

There I found Liam Payne, sobbing on the floor.

I quickly rushed to him and knelt down in front of him. He was shaking uncontrollably while he was whispering things I can’t understand. It’s a wonder how the others are still not awake.

“Liam? What happened buddy?” I asked. I really wanted one of the boys to be beside me, comforting Liam with me because I surely can’t do it alone. If I did it alone, I bet I would end up crying with him.

“D-Danielle.” He sobbed out. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room. The room was a mess, very unusual to see in Liam’s room. He would always prefer his room to be nice and tidy and not a mess like this. His clothes are all over the floor, the wardrobe was wide open, and there was a broken glass vase beside the bed.

“What about Dani?” I asked him. He cried harder by the mention of his girlfriend. “What happened to her Liam?” I asked him worriedly. Danielle is Liam’s world. The girl could get anything her heart desires just by batting her eyelashes at Liam but we all know she would never do that. She’s perfect for Liam to be honest. I could never picture Liam with another girl except for Danielle. She is his world, love, best friend and he even told me the other night that when everything cleared up, he was going to propose to her.

“S-she…” Liam trailed off and he couldn’t complete his sentence because whatever he was about to say, made him cry harder than before. I panicked and told him to wait. I know that is the worst thing you could do but I simply can’t do it alone. I need help.

I knocked on Louis’ and Eleanor’s door first because it was just right across Liam’s door. I waited for them to answer and when they didn’t, I knocked again and it was immediately answered by a cranky looking Louis.

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