Chapter 16- Story Of My Life

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Hope you guys loved the late Halloween special ;) I might just do one special chapter for every holiday I know…what do you guys think? Awesome or not?

Anyways, onwards with the chapter!

Zayn’s POV

“No way.” I gasped for the millionth time. Liam nodded sadly before returning to his first position which was face down lying on the bed. Louis and I woke him up after we got tired of Niall, Harry and the two girls whispering secretly to each other.

“Now go away, I want to be alone.” He said sadly. We both nodded obediently even though he can’t see our heads bouncing up and down. Poor Liam, I could imagine me doing the same if not worse, if Perrie ever did that to me.

I pat Liam’s arm twice before exiting the room. We found our four friends eavesdropping. “We know now.” Louis sighed. I shook my head and pushed past them and to my room. “I’ll talk to him.” I heard Perrie say. I waited for my girlfriend to go in the room before I let out a loud frustrated groan.

“Why are our lives so abnormal?” I mumbled through my hands that were covering my face. I could feel Perrie moving towards me and the bed dip down to my right side. She slowly removed my hands from my face and stared to my eyes sadly. “Because we’re not normal, we live in the spotlight.” Perrie told me, resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped and arm around her and sighed. Closing my eyes, my thoughts would one by one disappear.


Liam’s POV

I stared at the picture sadly, tears streaming down my already red face. The last picture I would ever have with her.

I was looking at her with full of love and happiness while she was looking directly at the camera, smiling like there was no tomorrow. We were in front of our favorite restaurant, we just finished eating and it seemed like the perfect evening, it was the perfect everything that day. Little did I know that it would be my worst one.

There was a big crash outside making me look up from the picture. I was about to go out and take a look at it when I remembered that I’m not the only one in this miserable house. It’s probably one of them trying to cook dinner.

But then the scream that came after that made me run out of the room and sprint towards the sound of screaming. I’m not a heartless person who doesn’t care about anyone else in this house just because she left me. I still care about everyone here because they basically are my family.

I was breathless when I got downstairs. Louis was already downstairs, comforting his girlfriend who looked like she just saw a ghost. She was as stiff as a board; both her hands over her mouth and her eyes were wide open.

I looked back and saw the rest of the group behind me, looking as confused as I was.

“El, you need to tell me what happened.” Louis said seriously as he held Eleanor by the shoulders. She shakily pointed at the kitchen and whispered something I didn’t hear and by the looks of it, Louis didn’t either.

Louis took a step towards the kitchen but was quickly held back by Eleanor who was shaking her head no. “Don’t.” I heard her whisper. “Why? What’s in there?” Louis asked his girlfriend who let out a sob and soon she was full on sobbing. Perrie rushed to her side and comforted her friend.

I looked at the umbrella stand and picked a grey umbrella from it. I advanced towards the kitchen, ignoring Eleanor’s cries and pleads. I pushed open the kitchen door and dropped the umbrella that I was holding when I saw it.

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