Chapter 4- Police Station

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Emerald’s POV

The three girls looked at me with wide eyes before looking back at the old woman. “I’m so sorry but we have a lot of things to do.” The one in the middle said. She had really straight black hair.

“Oh that’s fine.” I said reassuringly. They got their order and quickly got out of the café.

“Don’t worry darling, I’m sure there are some people who are willing to help.” The old lady said reassuringly. “In the meantime, why don’t you eat while you wait?” She suggested. I agreed and sat on the stool in front of her. “My name is Jane by the way, what’s yours?” She asked.

I swallowed my first bite and answered. “Emerald.” I said. “You know Emerald, you look really familiar.” She said. “Have you been in here before?” She asked. I shook my head no. “I don’t think so.” I said politely.

“Well you just really look familiar; I can’t remember where I saw you.” She said. “Have you been to Australia?” I asked. “Yes, a beautiful country it is.” She sighed dreamily. “Maybe you saw me there.” I said. “Maybe.” She shrugged. No one else went in the café for ten minutes, but when the door finally opened, instead of one person, about a dozen of people with cameras came running in.

My eyes widened and so did Jane’s. “Jane I’m scared.” I whimpered. The people came in closer to me, throwing in a lot of questions. My phobia is kicking in slowly. I saw the three other girls on the back, looking at me sympathetically. They also have cash on their hands. One mouthed sorry at me.

“Come here Emerald, let’s go to the back!” Jane screamed. I followed her, completely forgetting about the food. The paparazzi tried to follow us, but the door was like the one you see in those big freezer things. Jane closed it quickly and locked it.

I looked around the little room. There was a sofa, a chair, a coffee table and a small television. I barely watched television when my grandparents are around. They said it’s bad for your eyes. And it’s not like I have a television in my home at Australia. The only time I get to watch TV is when the teacher brings in a small one and the class would watch nature films.

“How long are we going to be here?” I asked Jane. “Until they’re gone. I believe they’re called paparazzi?” Jane said. I nodded and sat on the chair. So they’re the same people from yesterday?

“Why are they after me? Did I do something wrong?” I asked her quietly. “Well did you do something wrong?” She said while taking a sit on the sofa. I shrugged and looked at the door. There was a lot of noise and banging coming from outside. Why are they following me? Does this have something to do with my past?

“They crowded around me yesterday too. I was in the airport.” I told her. She looked at me for a minute before she relaxed a bit. “You really do look familiar for some reason.” She said.

“Have you been on the TV before?” She asked. I shook my head. “Newspaper?” She asked. “I don’t think so.” I said. It suddenly became quiet all of a sudden.

Have they left?

There was a knock on the door causing me to look at it. “It’s okay! It’s the police!” A man said. Jane stood up and opened the door. There stood three police men with sorry looks. “I’m sorry about that.” One said.

“It’s fine.” I murmured. I stood up and went beside Jane. The one in the middle looked at me then whispered something on the man on the right. I shifted uncomfortably. Are they going to take me to the station? Did I really do something wrong before I lost my memory?

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