Chapter 6- Physical and Mental Wounds

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This chapter is posted early thanks to one person: live_write_draw1116 thank her please! Read her awesome book too! She agreed to make a trailer for me! She’s such an angel!

I kinda rushed this one so let’s just say it’s a filler chapter?


Emerald’s POV

I could hear people running after me but I dare not look behind me because it might slow me down. Instead, I ran faster than I have ever before. I normally don’t run around when I was in Australia so this is all new to me. My body is screaming to stop but my brain is determine to lose them. Tears were already threatening to spill from my tired eyes.

“Emerald wait please!” Someone screamed. “Leave me alone!” I yelled. I could hear them gaining on me, making me go faster, if that was even possible. Random people would stop and stare at the chase going on, some would point and whisper.

What? Never saw a girl running away from men?

My eyes widened and everything went on slow motion. It was like I saw my whole life before me, which isn’t really long considering that I only remember a bit. I let out an ear piercing scream as I collided with the rough floor. I clutched my knee and let the unshed tears fall.

“Oh god Emerald!” Someone kneeled down beside me and tried to touch me. “Go away!” I screamed. I looked at the person and saw him looking at me with pleading eyes. “Emerald don’t be stubborn.” Another one came and kneeled on my other side. His voice was a bit bossier than the first one.

“I could take care of myself.” I spat at them angrily. By now, all five of them were around me. I stood up shakily, the five boys holding out hands just in case I fell. I did fall but their reflexes are obviously slow so they didn’t catch me. I looked at them angrily before trying again. But then surprise, surprise, I fell down again.

I sighed and slowly removed my hand from my knee and gasped. There was a huge wound; I’m surprised I can’t see my bones. My eyes stung and I finally let out the sobs and cries.

I don’t even deserve this. My first day in London and I’m already injured! What did I do wrong to the world? Am I the unluckiest person in the world?

“Shit.” One of them murmured. “Stop swearing Louis.” The jet black haired one said harshly. I looked back at the one who cursed and saw him roll his eyes. My eyes widened when my gaze fell upon the blonde one who ripped his shirt off. (A/N Holy shit that image) “What are you doing?” I sniffed. He lowered his shirt to my wound but I pushed his hands away.

“Trust me please.” He whispered. I looked at him and saw what I see in my grandparents’ eyes whenever I am face to face with them.

 Sincerity and love

 But I shook it off and shakily grabbed his shirt. “I-I’ll do it.” I said trying to sound brave when really, I sound like a five year old, lost in a shopping mall. He sighed and backed away. I looked at all of them first. They all had really worried looks, it’s like they genuinely care.

I took a deep breath before pressing the shirt to the open wound. I hissed in pain and shut my eyes close. Someone suddenly wiped the tears that fell. I opened my eyes quickly and was about to yell at them but I was cut off by ear piercing screams.

I looked around and saw about a dozen of girls screaming at us. I flinched and my heart beat quickened.

“One Direction I love you!”

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