Chapter 14- Dreams (See Author's Note please)

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Harry’s POV

“Take a deep breath.” I said, showing him how to do it. I feel like a dad teaching his son how to do everything but Liam wouldn’t listen to any of us and he’s still crying his eyes out. This has been the longest he had cried and I feel like the worst mate to not know what to do.

But I’m not the only one who feels lost here. Louis and Zayn are both staring at Liam worriedly. Niall and the girls have been gone too long and I wanted to excuse myself to go find them but they walked in as soon as I opened my mouth.

I gave Niall a questioning look but he waved me off and handed Liam the glass of water. We all watched him drink the water carefully and slowly. A tear or two slipped after he handed the glass to Eleanor who put the glass down on the bed side table.

“I’m fine now.” Liam croaked. I shook my head and made my way to sit beside him. He was still sniffling and hiccupping. He reminded me of myself when I was a kid when my mom would send my little crying self to my room because I did something terrible. 

“You’re obviously not Liam.” Zayn yawned. We had no intention on sleeping though until Liam told us what’s wrong. I saw that he tried to give us a small smile but failed. Whenever he wanted to turn his lips upwards, it’s like something would always force it down to a frown that no one wants to see.

“Come on Liam, we’re your best mates. You could tell us everything.” Louis tried to persuade Liam into telling us what happened to him and Danielle. I have a thought of what might have happened but it seemed so unreal.

“Yeah Liam.” I said, joining in with Louis. “Liam please.” Zayn joined us too. I looked over at Niall to see him in deep thought. Only when I coughed I got his attention. “Oh um yeah Liam.” Niall awkwardly said as he scratched the back of his neck. I gave him another questioning look and juts like before, he waved me off.

Perrie and Eleanor was just standing there, giving an encouraging smile to Liam even though he can’t really see them because he was looking down to the ground.

Something is very wrong here. Eleanor and Perrie wouldn’t just stand on the sides, I’ve known them for quite a long time now and I know that if someone is upset, they will do their best to do everything to make that someone feel better even if they make a complete fool out of themselves. Same with Niall. I know something happened when they disappeared to the kitchen, I just know it.

I will get to the bottom of this.

Louis and Zayn are still oblivious of the three’s behaviors, they are still looking at Liam with worry which is what I’m supposed to be doing but what can I say? I’m a very observant person.

Zayn’s POV

“Calm down bud.” I said, hoping that my attempt of cheering him up would actually make him smile. We have tried everything we could do but nothing worked.

“Hey Niall, can you help me with something in my room?” Harry asked out of the blue causing all of us to turn our heads to the curly haired lad who wore an innocent smile. “Why?” Niall asked cautiously. “Just please.” Harry said irritation evident in his voice. Niall was about to speak when he got cut off by Harry pulling on his arm. He let out a yelp before the both of them disappeared from my line of vision.

I looked at Louis with a confused look to see him mirroring my expression. We both shrugged and turned our attention back to the sniffling boy who was in between us.

In the corner of my eye, I could see the two girls whispering to each other almost like they were hiding a secret from us. It was so quiet that if you don’t listen close enough, you might actually think it’s just the wind blowing.

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